


| 5/14/12  |  87  |  91  |  102  |
| 12/8/11  |  96  |  81  |  93   |
| 9/30/10  |  75  |  101 |  74   |
| 4/26/08  |  107 |  95  |  64   |


| 9/30/10  |  75  |  101 |  74   |
| 5/4/12   |  87  |  91  |  102  |
| 12/8/11  |  96  |  81  |  93   |
| 4/26/08  |  107 |  95  |  64   |


Dim cell as Range
Dim Arr, TempArr, BoundVal As Variant
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table2").ListColumns(targetColumn).DataBodyRange
    Arr = Split(cell.Value, Chr(10))
    ReDim TagIndex(0 To UBound(Arr)) As Variant
    For i = 0 To UBound(Arr)
        BoundVal = Arr(i) 'starts with first value and index
        TagIndex(i) = i   'as defaults
        For j = 0 To UBound(Arr)
            If Arr(j) < BoundVal Then  'if sorter finds a smaller value,
                BoundVal = Arr(j)      'flags it...
                TagIndex(i) = j        '...and its index as smaller,
            End If                     'keeps looking,
        Next j                         'leaves For loop with the smallest,
        Arr(TagIndex(i)) = 201         'and moves it up out of reach so sorter won't 
    Next i                             'flag it anymore (none of the values go above 200)
    For j = leftBoundColumn To rightBoundColumn 
        TempArr = Split(Cells(cell.Row, j).Value, Chr(10))
        For i = 0 To UBound(TempArr)
            Arr(i) = TempArr(TagIndex(i))
        Next i
        Cells(cell.Row, j).Value = Join(Arr, Chr(10))
    Next j
Next cell






(1) 如果您想在一行中声明多个变量,那么您仍然需要为每个变量重复变量类型。所以,你需要写

Dim Arr as Variant, TempArr as Variant, BoundVal As Long

(2) 尽可能避免使用Variant,而是使用适当的类型。例如,BoundVal似乎存储整数或日期,因此数据类型Long可能是最好的。

(3) 数组通常(VBA默认值)在0到ArrayCount-1之间。因此,基数设置为0:Option Base 0https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa266179(v=vs.60).aspx不过,为了让你的代码持续时间更长(更透明),我会在你的代码中包含这一行,并将你的循环更改为

For j = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)


For j = 0 To UBound(Arr)

(4) 强迫自己声明所有变量,以确保您知道发生了什么:Option Explicithttps://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/gg278855.aspx

(5) 尽可能使用.Value2而不是.Value以获得少量速度奖励。此外,这基本上只会以数字的形式给你日期,而不是日期²。


Option Base 0
Option Explicit
Sub tmpSO(Optional targetColumn As Long, Optional leftBoundColumn As Long, Optional rightBoundColumn As Long)
Dim cell As Range
Dim Arr As Variant, TempArr As Variant
Dim BoundVal As Long, TagIndex() As Long, i As Long, j As Long
'set the defaults for optional parameters
If targetColumn = 0 Then targetColumn = 2
If leftBoundColumn = 0 Then leftBoundColumn = 1
If rightBoundColumn = 0 Then rightBoundColumn = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table2").ListColumns.Count
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table2").ListColumns(targetColumn).DataBodyRange
    Arr = Split(cell.Value2, Chr(10))
    ReDim TagIndex(LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr))
    For i = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
        'starts with first value and index, use default 0 if necessary
        If IsDate(Arr(i)) Then             'if the item can be interpreted as a date then
            BoundVal = CLng(CDate(Arr(i))) 'convert the string to a date and convert the date to a number
        Else                               'otherwise treat it as a number only
            BoundVal = CLng(IIf(IsNumeric(Arr(i)), Arr(i), 0))
        End If
        TagIndex(i) = i                    'as default
        For j = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
            If CLng(IIf(IsDate(Arr(j)), CDate(Arr(j)), Arr(j))) < BoundVal Then      'if sorter finds a smaller value,
                BoundVal = CLng(IIf(IsDate(Arr(j)), CDate(Arr(j)), Arr(j)))          'flags it...
                TagIndex(i) = j            '...and its index as smaller,
            End If                         'keeps looking,
        Next j                             'leaves For loop with the smallest,
        Arr(TagIndex(i)) = 201             'and moves it up out of reach so sorter won't
    Next i                                 'flag it anymore (none of the values go above 200)
    For j = leftBoundColumn To rightBoundColumn
        TempArr = Split(Cells(cell.Row, j).Value, Chr(10))
        For i = 0 To UBound(TempArr)
            Arr(i) = TempArr(TagIndex(i))
        Next i
        Cells(cell.Row, j).Value2 = Join(Arr, Chr(10))
    Next j
Next cell
End Sub



