为什么 Git 会查找我的主目录中不存在的目录?

我正在 Windows 10 的主目录中运行一个 git 存储库。当我运行git status时,Git 会找到我的机器上不存在的目录:

warning: could not open directory 'AppData/Local/Application Data/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'AppData/Local/ElevatedDiagnostics/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'AppData/Local/History/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.IE5/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Low/Content.IE5/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary Internet Files/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'AppData/Local/Temporary Internet Files/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'Application Data/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'Documents/My Music/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'Documents/My Pictures/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'Documents/My Videos/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'Local Settings/': Permission denied
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

上面的许多目录都不存在。 为什么 Git 试图打开这些不存在的目录?

我的 .gitignore :

# Blacklist everything, then whitelist sub-directories
# this allows me to whitelist individual FILES in sub-directories



来自 gitignore 文档。


要显示主目录中的所有内容(以及隐藏目录(,请打开命令提示符"Win" + "R",键入cmd并按"Enter"。进入dir /a,点击"Enter",您将看到您想知道的所有目录显示在您的主目录中。
