$libraryPath = "C:tempExcel"
$excel = new-object -comobject Excel.Application
# Give delay to open
Start-Sleep -s 5
$allExcelfiles = Get-ChildItem $libraryPath -recurse -include “*.xlsx”
foreach ($file in $allExcelfiles)
$workbookpath = $file.fullname
Write-Host "Updating " $workbookpath
# Open the Excel file
$excelworkbook = $excel.workbooks.Open($workbookpath)
$connections = $excelworkbook.Connections
foreach ($c in $connections)
if ($c.DataFeedConnection -ne $null)
$conn = $c.DataFeedConnection.Connection
# Use regex to search and replace part of connection string
$new = $conn -replace 'ProjectName eq ''(.*)''', "ProjectName eq '$title'"
$c.DataFeedConnection.Connection = $new
Write-Host "Connection replaced."
Start-Sleep -s 5
# This will Refresh All the pivot tables data.
# The following script lines will Save the file.
Start-Sleep -s 50
$timeout_in_sec = 10
$excel_update = {
$libraryPath = "C:tempExcel"
$excel = new-object -comobject Excel.Application
# Give delay to open
Start-Sleep -s 5
$allExcelfiles = Get-ChildItem $libraryPath -recurse -include “*.xlsx”
foreach ($file in $allExcelfiles)
$workbookpath = $file.fullname
Write-Host "Updating " $workbookpath
# Open the Excel file
$excelworkbook = $excel.workbooks.Open($workbookpath)
$connections = $excelworkbook.Connections
foreach ($c in $connections)
if ($c.DataFeedConnection -ne $null)
$conn = $c.DataFeedConnection.Connection
# Use regex to search and replace part of connection string
$new = $conn -replace 'ProjectName eq ''(.*)''', "ProjectName eq '$title'"
$c.DataFeedConnection.Connection = $new
Write-Host "Connection replaced."
Start-Sleep -s 5
# This will Refresh All the pivot tables data.
# The following script lines will Save the file.
Start-Sleep -s 50
$job = Start-Job -Name 'thing' -ScriptBlock $excel_update
Wait-Job -Timeout $timeout_in_sec -Job $job
if ($job.State -eq 'Running') { Stop-Job -Job $job }
Remove-Job -Job $job