在 Hive 1.2.1 中使用视图的子查询

我们如何在Hive视图中实现子查询。正如我所知道的那样,hive查询不允许子查询,我们只能通过联接或联合来实现。 但我有一个不同的场景,我不能应用它们中的任何一个。我所有的表都按更新日期和类型列进行分区。 类型将作为输入参数获取,并且我必须在查询时获取最大更新日期。


select ..........
From table1 t1
JOIN table2 t2 ON t1.t1id = t2.t2id
JOIN table3 t3 ON t1.t1id = t3.t3id
JOIN table4 t4 ON t1.t1id = t4.t4id
JOIN table5 t5 ON t1.t1id = t5.t5id
AND t1.updatedate IN (select max(updatedate) updatedate from t1 where type = '${hiveconf:inputtype}' ) 
AND t2.updatedate IN (select max(updatedate) updatedate from t1 where type = '${hiveconf:inputtype}' ) 
AND t3.updatedate IN (select max(updatedate) updatedate from t3 where type = '${hiveconf:inputtype}' )
AND t4.updatedate IN (select max(updatedate) updatedate from t4 where type = '${hiveconf:inputtype}' )
AND t5.updatedate IN (select max(updatedate) updatedate from t5 where type = '${hiveconf:inputtype}' )  
-- ## Query is not working, it throws exception

我已经尝试过如下,它的工作,但在这里我按 id 应用了组。

select ..........
From table1 t1
JOIN (select max(updatedate) updatedate, t2id from t2 where type = '${hiveconf:inputtype}' group by t2id) t2 ON t1.t1id = t2.t2id
JOIN (select max(updatedate) updatedate, t3id from t3 where type = '${hiveconf:inputtype}' group by t3id) t3 ON t1.t1id = t3.t3id
JOIN (select max(updatedate) updatedate, t4id from t4 where type = '${hiveconf:inputtype}' group by t4id) t4 ON t1.t1id = t4.t4id
JOIN (select max(updatedate) updatedate, t5id from t5 where type = '${hiveconf:inputtype}' group by t5id) t5 ON t1.t1id = t5.t5id
t1.updatedate IN (select max(updatedate) updatedate from t1 where type = '${hiveconf:inputtype}' ) 


当然。 使用窗口函数:

SELECT ..........
FROM table1 t1 JOIN
(SELECT t2.*,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY t2.t2id ORDER BY t2.updateddate DESC) as seqnum
FROM table2 t2
) t2
ON t1.t1id = t2.t2id AND t2.seqnum = 1 JOIN
. . . 

