cardChosen = deck[random.randint(0, len(deck))]
import random
deck = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] * 4
scorePlayer1 = 0
scorePlayer2 = 0
player1 = input("Player 1: ")
player2 = input("Player 2: ")
while len(deck) > 0:
def player_turn(player_name, deck):
deck = deck
cardChosen = deck[random.randint(0, len(deck))]
print(player_name + " chose " + str(cardChosen))
a = player_turn(player1, deck)
b = player_turn(player2, deck)
if a > b:
scorePlayer1 += 2
print(player1 + " wins this round:)")
elif b > a:
scorePlayer2 += 2
print(player2 + " wins this round :)")
elif a == b:
print("Game Over")
if scorePlayer1 > scorePlayer2:
print(player1 + " has won the game:)")
elif scorePlayer2 > scorePlayer1:
print(player2 + " has won the game:)")
elif scorePlayer1 == scorePlayer2:
print("There has been a tie, both players won:)")
当列表的长度为1并且您只剩下一个选择时,cardChosen = deck[random.randint(0, len(deck))]
相当于不存在的cardChosen = deck[0]
您要使用random.randint(0, len(deck)-1)
编辑:始终检查您使用的库的文档。例如,内置的range(a, b)
,而random.randint(a, b)
import random
deck = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] * 4
#>>> suggestion below
length = len(deck)
round = 1
scorePlayer1 = 0
scorePlayer2 = 0
player1 = input("Player 1: ")
player2 = input("Player 2: ")
print("Round: {}".format(round)) #>>> used for user clarification
# >>> Removed "while" statement, and kept the
#main player turn function as its own stand alone function
def player_turn(player_name, length):
#deck = deck >>>Line not needed
#print(len(deck)) >>> removed
#cardChosen = deck[random.randint(0, len(deck))] >>>solution below
cardChosen = random.choice(deck)
#suggestion below
length -= 1
#print(player_name + " chose " + str(cardChosen)) >>>suggestion below
print("{} drew the card: {}".format(player_name, cardChosen))
#return(cardChosen) >>> suggestion below
return cardChosen, length
#as long as the length of the deck (which is updated
#everytime the function is called) is greater than zero
while length > 0:
round += 1#>>> used for user clarification
#set the variables cardChosen and length to equal
#whatever the output of the player turn function (with
#2 argument given) returns
cardChosen, length = player_turn(player1, length)
#then set the players score to equal the card drawn
scorePlayer1 += cardChosen
player1_hand = cardChosen
#afterwards repeat the same for player 2
cardChosen, length = player_turn(player2, length)
scorePlayer2 += cardChosen
player2_hand = cardChosen
#>>>replace "a" and "b" with better, readable variables
#if a > b:
if scorePlayer1 > scorePlayer2:
scorePlayer1 += 2
#print(player1 + " wins this round:)") >>> use the format method, highly recommended. suggestion below
print("{} won this round".format(player1))
print("{}'s score: {}".format(player1, scorePlayer1))
print("{}'s score: {}".format(player2, scorePlayer2))
print("nn") #>>>adds a space between rounds
elif scorePlayer2 > scorePlayer1:
scorePlayer2 += 2
#print(player2 + " wins this round :)") >>>suggestion below
print("{} won this round".format(player2))
print("{}'s score: {}".format(player1, scorePlayer1))
print("{}'s score: {}".format(player2, scorePlayer2))
print("nn") # >>> adds a space between rounds
if player1_hand == player2_hand:
#print("War!") >>> suggestiom below
print("WAAAAAAAR!!!") #>>>How will anyone take you seriously if you dont scream!
print("{}'s score: {}".format(player1, scorePlayer1))
print("{}'s score: {}".format(player2, scorePlayer2))
print("nn") # >>> adds a space between rounds
#else: >>> unneeded "else" statement since the "while" loop automatically
#stops once there are no more cards in the deck
#add a pause so the viewer can comprehend what the heck just happened
print("Number of cards left: {}".format(length))
pause = input("Press ENTER to continue...")
print("============================nn") #>>> adds a space
print("Round: {}".format(round))
print("Game Over")
if scorePlayer1 > scorePlayer2:
#print(player1 + " has won the game:)") >>> suggestion below
print("{} has won the game".format(player1))
elif scorePlayer2 > scorePlayer1:
#print(player2 + " has won the game:)") >>> suggestion below
print("{} has won the game".format(player2))
elif scorePlayer1 == scorePlayer2:
print("There has been a tie, both players won:)")
import random
deck = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] * 4
length = len(deck)
round = 1
scorePlayer1 = 0
scorePlayer2 = 0
player1 = input("Player 1: ")
player2 = input("Player 2: ")
print("Round: {}".format(round))
def player_turn(player_name, length):
cardChosen = random.choice(deck)
length -= 1
print("{} drew the card: {}".format(player_name, cardChosen))
return cardChosen, length
while length > 0:
round += 1
cardChosen, length = player_turn(player1, length)
scorePlayer1 += cardChosen
player1_hand = cardChosen
cardChosen, length = player_turn(player2, length)
scorePlayer2 += cardChosen
player2_hand = cardChosen
if scorePlayer1 > scorePlayer2:
scorePlayer1 += 2
print("{} won this round".format(player1))
print("{}'s score: {}".format(player1, scorePlayer1))
print("{}'s score: {}".format(player2, scorePlayer2))
elif scorePlayer2 > scorePlayer1:
scorePlayer2 += 2
print("{} won this round".format(player2))
print("{}'s score: {}".format(player1, scorePlayer1))
print("{}'s score: {}".format(player2, scorePlayer2))
if player1_hand == player2_hand:
print("{}'s score: {}".format(player1, scorePlayer1))
print("{}'s score: {}".format(player2, scorePlayer2))
print("Number of cards left: {}".format(length))
pause = input("Press ENTER to continue...")
print("Round: {}".format(round))
print("Game Over")
if scorePlayer1 > scorePlayer2:
print("{} has won the game".format(player1))
elif scorePlayer2 > scorePlayer1:
print("{} has won the game".format(player2))
elif scorePlayer1 == scorePlayer2:
print("There has been a tie, both players won:)")