jacoco+gradle taskdef 找不到类 org.jacoco.ant.InstrumentTask 所需的



1.下载 gradle 2.2.1 并配置环境变量等。

2.从 http://www.eclemma.org/jacoco/下载了jacoco 0.7.1


 apply plugin: 'jacoco'

 buildTypes {
         testCoverageEnabled true


4.运行 gradle 构建

5.我收到一个错误,说找不到 jacoco 代理罐等。 错误消息显示它尝试在 C:\程序文件 (x86)\Android\android-sdk\extras\android\m2repository...等。

6.我手动解压缩了jacoco jar文件,并将它们放在提到错误消息和错误消息消失的地方。

7.然后我运行了gradle构建。运行内置 instrumentDebug 任务时出现以下新错误:

Caused by: : taskdef A class needed by class org.jacoco.ant.InstrumentTask cannot be found: org/jacoco/core/runtime/IExecutionDataAccessorGenerator using the classloader AntClassLoader[C:Program Files (x86)Androidandroid-sdkextrasandroidm2repositoryorgjacocoorg.jacoco.ant.7.1.201405082137org.jacoco.ant-]
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Definer.addDefinition(Definer.java:612)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Definer.execute(Definer.java:237)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:292)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.dispatch.DispatchUtils.execute(DispatchUtils.java:106)
    at org.gradle.api.internal.project.ant.BasicAntBuilder.nodeCompleted(BasicAntBuilder.java:77)
    at org.gradle.api.internal.project.ant.BasicAntBuilder.doInvokeMethod(BasicAntBuilder.java:92)
    at com.android.build.gradle.internal.coverage.JacocoInstrumentTask.instrument(JacocoInstrumentask.groovy:51)
    at org.gradle.internal.reflect.JavaMethod.invoke(JavaMethod.java:63)
    at org.gradle.api.internal.project.taskfactory.AnnotationProcessingTaskFactory$StandardTaskAction.doExecute(AnnotationProcessingTaskFactory.java:218)
    at org.gradle.api.internal.project.taskfactory.AnnotationProcessingTaskFactory$StandardTaskAction.execute(AnnotationProcessingTaskFactory.java:211)

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
    at org.jacoco.core.runtime.IExecutionDataAccessorGenerator
    at org.apache.tools.ant.AntClassLoader.findClassInComponents(AntClassLoader.java:1366)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.AntClassLoader.findClass(AntClassLoader.java:1315)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.AntClassLoader.loadClass(AntClassLoader.java:1068)...

当我使用进程监视器(我的开发机器是Win 7)时,我看到无法访问org.jacoco.core-,org.jacoco.ant.InstrumentTask类所在的org.jacoco.ant.InstrumentTask类位于其中。所以我认为 gradle 没有正确地将文件路径传递给 org.apache.tools.ant.AntClassLoader。


  1. 将所有 jacoco jar 文件添加到 CLASSPATH 环境变量中。
  2. 将 jacoco jar 文件添加到 ant libs、gradle libs、gradle libs/plugins、folder。
  3. 查看 gradle 2.2.1 的源代码。此刻毫无头绪...





1. 让雅可可构建一个检测化的apk文件


3. 让雅可可生成覆盖率报告

更新:我刚刚发现在执行 InstrumentDebug 任务时,gradle 使用以下命令启动一个新进程:

"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin\java.exe" -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xmx2048m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.country=CN -Duser.language=zh -Duser.variant -cp D:\gradle-2.2.1\gradle-2.2.1\lib\gradle-launcher-2.2.1

.jar org.gradle.launcher.daemon.bootstrap.GradleDaemon 2.2.1 D:\gradle-2.2.1\gradle-2.2.1\daemon 120000 744501ac-32c1-4930-82bd-59e0a9e2b92d -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xmx2048m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.country=CN -Duser.language=zh -Duser.variant

如您所见,类路径是硬编码的,这会覆盖环境变量中定义的内容。因此,找不到jacoco所需的核心库,从而导致了此问题。我现在正在尝试查看此过程从哪里开始以及是否有办法更改 -cp 选项。

更新2:我终于发现这个过程是由gradle-launcher-2.2.1.jar开始的。请参阅下面的代码。我现在正在尝试查看是否可以更改 DefaultModuleRegistry 并使 registry.getGradleHome() == null。与此同时,任何成功使用jacoco+gradle的人都可以告诉我你使用的是哪个版本的gradle吗?

public DaemonStartupInfo startDaemon()
DefaultModuleRegistry registry = new DefaultModuleRegistry();
Set<File> bootstrapClasspath = new LinkedHashSet();
if (registry.getGradleHome() == null) 
if (bootstrapClasspath.isEmpty()) {
  throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to construct a bootstrap classpath when starting the daemon");
new JvmVersionValidator().validate(this.daemonParameters);
List<String> daemonArgs = new ArrayList();
List<String> daemonOpts = this.daemonParameters.getEffectiveJvmArgs();
LOGGER.debug("Using daemon opts: {}", daemonOpts);
daemonArgs.add(CollectionUtils.join(File.pathSeparator, bootstrapClasspath));

看看这是否有帮助。我没有使用 Gradle 2.2.1,但这是我的全局 Gradle 文件(即 $GRADLE_HOME/init.d 级别文件中的文件)中的内容。文件名可以是扩展名为 .gradle 的任何内容。

allprojects {
   apply plugin: 'java'
   apply plugin: 'pmd'
   apply plugin: 'findbugs'
   apply plugin: 'checkstyle'
   apply plugin: 'jacoco'
   //NOTE1: The following soureSet section is NOT required, if your folder structure follows what Gradle says where your main source should reside, where test (Unit tests) should reside, and where other like integrationTest (integration tests code reside). If your project structure doesn't follow the Gradle defined structure, then you can define that as my source code is not under src/main/java but is under src/java. The use of "sourceSet" section in this global file is only helping to use some conventional values in this global level file for ex: see integrationTest task and jacocoTestReport task below (you can't use those values if sourceSet is NOT defined in this file and if your project doesn't following the Gradle defined structure).
  //NOTE2: Here in the global level Gradle file, I'm using values for sources for main, test, integrationTest etc as "dont_change_me" as I don't know what all projects (which will use this Gradle's global level file), will have what source code structure. The main / actual values of the sources for main, test and integrationTest task MUST be defined in the PROJECT's build.gradle file in sourceSets { main { java { srcDir 'src/java' } } } way.

   sourceSets {
      main {
         java {
            srcDir 'dont_change_me'
         resources {
            srcDir 'dont_change_me'
      test {
         java {
            srcDir 'dont_change_me'
         resources {
            srcDir 'dont_change_me'
      integrationTest {
         java {
            srcDir 'dont_change_me'
         resources {
            srcDir 'dont_change_me'
      acceptanceTest {
         java {
            srcDir 'dont_change_me'
         resources {
            srcDir 'dont_change_me'
   //...more code here
   //...more code here
   // The following is necessary to get code coverage info out. Compile with debug mode.
   tasks.withType(Compile) {
     options.debug = true
     options.compilerArgs = ["-g"]
   jacoco {
        //toolVersion = ""
        //toolVersion = ""
        //toolVersion = ""
        //This is latest than above, you may find later versions in online Maven repository.
        toolVersion = ""
        //OK I don't need the following folder to be created as I'll define my own.
        // reportsDir = file("$buildDir/customJacocoReportDir")
   //The following section is for UNIT tests (as build task in Gradle calls test task for free)
   test {
     maxParallelForks = 5
     forkEvery = 50
     ignoreFailures = true
     // I want my reports (html) files to be created in a user defined folder UT(Unit test in build/reports/UT folder) and xml files (in user defined folder UT folder) under build/test-results/UT folder.
     testReportDir = file("$buildDir/reports/tests/UT")
     testResultsDir = file("$buildDir/test-results/UT")
     //Following jacoco session will RUN in GRADLE's JVM session (during build / test time). This is different JVM than what many think of a runtime/Tomcat JVM session where we run a .war/.ear/etc file of an app to run that app and if you want to get code coverage of your main source code using non-unit tests from a Tomcat JVM, then see next task (integrationTest) as the following jacoco section in this "test" task is just for UNIT tests running in Gradle JVM session on a machine.
     jacoco {
        //NOTE: The following vars works ONLY with Gradle <= 1.6 version
        // Create jacoco .exec file for Unit test in a user defined location
        destPath = file("$buildDir/jacoco/UT/jacocoUT.exec")
        //The following line is not that usesful acc. to my experience so commented it.
        //classDumpPath = file("$buildDir/jacoco/UT/classpathdumps")

        //NOTE: Following vars works only with versions >= 1.7 version of Gradle
        //destinationFile = file("$buildDir/jacoco/UT/jacocoUT.exec")
        //  classDumpFile = file("$buildDir/jacoco/UT/classpathdumps")

   task integrationTest( type: Test) {
     //Always run tests
     outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
     //Ignore the failures if any during tests and don't mark the Gradle task as failed.
     //You can comment this line if you want your gradle task to fail as soon as it finds any failing tests.
     ignoreFailures = true
     //This is telling Gradle that where it'll find class files from integration tests source code
     testClassesDir = sourceSets.integrationTest.output.classesDir
     //What path to use in classpath for integration tests
     classpath = sourceSets.integrationTest.runtimeClasspath
     //My custom location where I want my html reports files and xml result times of integration tests
     testReportDir = file("$buildDir/reports/tests/IT")
     testResultsDir = file("$buildDir/test-results/IT")
     //Jacoco section in IT tests is NOT required here. Why as it'll never generage a coverage report this way as this way of using jacoco section in integrationTest task is telling Gradle to use jacoco in Gradle JVM and for getting code coverage you have to run jacoco/jacocoagent.jar in Target JVM (which is Tomcat or similar) by introducing jacocoagent.jar and other parameters for jacoco to Tomcat using one of Tomcat's -Dxxx option (see Jacoco help on how to do this). As the following is not required, I'm commenting the following jacoco code(otherwise if used, it'll always give you 0% coverage).
        //jacoco {
           //This works with 1.6
           //  destPath = file("$buildDir/jacoco/IT/jacocoIT.exec")
           //  classDumpPath = file("$buildDir/jacoco/IT/classpathdumps")
           //Following works only with versions >= 1.7 version of Gradle
           //destinationFile = file("$buildDir/jacoco/IT/jacocoIT.exec")
           //  classDumpFile = file("$buildDir/jacoco/IT/classpathdumps")

  jacocoTestReport {
      group = "Reporting"
      description = "Generate Jacoco coverage reports after running tests."
      ignoreFailures = true
      //Use any .exec file found before generating coverage report i.e. it'll give you combined coverage report if you have both jacocoUT.exec and jacocoIT.exec or other .exec files in build/jacoco/xx folders.
      executionData = fileTree(dir: 'build/jacoco', include: '**/*.exec')
      //executionData = files('build/jacoco/UT/jacocoUT.exec', 'build/jacoco/IT/jacocoIT.exec')
      //executionData = files(['build/jacoco/UT/jacocoUT.exec', 'build/jacoco/IT/jacocoIT.exec'])
      reports {
                 enabled true
                 //Following value is a file
                 destination "${buildDir}/reports/jacoco/xml/jacoco.xml"
             csv.enabled false
                 enabled true
                 //Following value is a folder
                 destination "${buildDir}/reports/jacoco/html"
      //The following is an example of using Gradle conventional way of saying where is my main source code directory
      //sourceDirectories = files(sourceSets.main.allJava.srcDirs)
      sourceDirectories = files(['src/java', 'src/groovy'])
      classDirectories =  files('build/classes/main')


然后,如果您运行 gradle 干净构建,您将以 .exec 文件的形式在 build/jacoco/UT 文件夹下获得 UT(单元测试)的 jacoco 代码覆盖率数据。在构建/报告/...HTML文件夹中,您将找到Jacoco主索引.html它将显示代码覆盖率报告。

如果要从非单元测试(即集成测试等)获得代码覆盖率报告,请将以下参数附加到目标 JVM。我使用Tomcat,所以我附加了这个,其中testType是一个变量,我用它来查找/判断我是否正在运行IT(集成测试),AT(验收测试)或ST(Selenium GUI测试)。

export PROJ_EXTRA_JVM_OPTS="-javaagent:tomcat/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=build/jacoco/${testType}/jacoco${testType}.exec,append=false"

在我使用的 startTomcat.sh 脚本中,您会注意到我正在使用上述变量并将其传递给Tomcat的JVM,因为这是运行我项目主.war/.ear文件的JVM,该文件具有主要的源代码类文件,我希望我的代码使用集成/验收/其他非单元类型测试的代码副本数据:

## Tomcat command - JDK 1.6/Tomcat 6.0
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap $TOMCAT_CFG_FILE_ARGS start"
上述变量需要存在于 Tomcat 启动脚本中,

即当 Tomcat 启动时,它应该在其 JVM 会话中获取上述变量。完成此操作后,您必须运行"gradle integrationTest",然后停止Tomcat会话(只有这样,它才会将代码覆盖率数据刷新到jacoIT.exec文件),然后如果您运行"gradle jacocoTestReport",它将读取jacocoIT.exec文件和类型化jacoco代码覆盖率报告,以获取您的集成/验收/硒测试试图涵盖的主要源代码。
