

$.when(multipleQueries(stateQueries, rowData))
.then(function (data) {
//do stuff with data - removed for brevity


function multipleQueries(queriesToExecute, rowData) {
var allQueriesMapped = $.Deferred();
// If a single query has been provided, convert it into an array
if (Array.isArray(queriesToExecute) === false) {
queriesToExecute = [].concat(queriesToExecute);
// Create a function for each region to run the query.
$.when.apply($, $.map(queriesToExecute, function (query) {
// Execute the query in the region
return $.when(executeQuery(query.InstanceInfo, query.Query)).then(function (data) {
var isDataMapped = $.Deferred();
var mappedData = [];
// Perform some data transformation
$.when.apply($, $.map(data.results, function (value) {
var properties = value.succinctProperties;
//code removed for brevity
return $.when(mapData(properties)).then(function (mappedRow) {
if (mappedRow) {
})).then(function () {
results: mappedData,
numItems: mappedData.length
return isDataMapped.promise();
}).then(function (data) {
return allQueriesMapped.promise();

我遇到的问题是我正在传入 5 个查询以执行到 multipleQuery 函数,但它在运行第一个查询后命中调试器行 - 然后解析 allQueryMapped 延迟,然后它返回到带有调用它的数据的 do 东西,但由于我没有我传入的 5 个查询的所有数据,我没有看到预期的行为 - 我如何设定这些承诺是否缺少什么?

注意 - 我尝试将调试器之前的 .then 更改为 .done,但行为相同,并且还尝试将调用代码更改为 .done,如下所示,但也得到相同的结果。

$.when(multipleQueries(stateQueries, rowData))
.done(function (data) {
//do stuff with data - removed for brevity

** 更新 - 执行查询功能如下

function executeQuery(instanceInfo, query) {
return $.ajax({
url: instanceInfo.Url,
type: 'GET',
data: {
q: query,
succinct: true
processData: true


function multipleQueries(queriesToExecute, rowData) {
var allQueriesMapped = $.Deferred();
// If a single query has been provided, convert it into an array
if (Array.isArray(queriesToExecute) === false) {
queriesToExecute = [].concat(queriesToExecute);
// Create a function for each region to run the query.
$.when.apply($, $.map(queriesToExecute, function(query) {
// Execute the query in the region
return $.when(executeQuery(query.InstanceInfo, query.Query)).then(function(data) {
var isDataMapped = $.Deferred();
var mappedData = [];
// Perform some data transformation
$.when.apply($, $.map(data.results, function(value) {
var properties = value.succinctProperties;
//code removed for brevity
return $.when(mapData(properties)).then(function(mappedRow) {
if (mappedRow) {
})).then(function() {
results: mappedData,
numItems: mappedData.length
return isDataMapped.promise();
}).then(function(data) {                    // ***
debugger;                               // ***
allQueriesMapped.resolve(data);         // ***
return allQueriesMapped.promise();


function multipleQueries(queriesToExecute, rowData) {
var allQueriesMapped = $.Deferred();
// If a single query has been provided, convert it into an array
if (Array.isArray(queriesToExecute) === false) {
queriesToExecute = [].concat(queriesToExecute);
// Create a function for each region to run the query.
$.when.apply($, $.map(queriesToExecute, function(query) {
// Execute the query in the region
return $.when(executeQuery(query.InstanceInfo, query.Query)).then(function(data) {
var isDataMapped = $.Deferred();
var mappedData = [];
// Perform some data transformation
$.when.apply($, $.map(data.results, function(value) {
var properties = value.succinctProperties;
//code removed for brevity
return $.when(mapData(properties)).then(function(mappedRow) {
if (mappedRow) {
})).then(function() {
results: mappedData,
numItems: mappedData.length
return isDataMapped.promise();
})).then(function(data) {
return allQueriesMapped.promise();

但是里面有很多不必要的$.whennew $.Deferred的使用(见*** 1注释(,你可以更简单地将参数包装在一个数组中(见*** 2注释:

function multipleQueries(queriesToExecute, rowData) {
// If a single query has been provided, convert it into an array
if (Array.isArray(queriesToExecute) === false) {
queriesToExecute = [queriesToExecute]; // *** 2
// Create a function for each region to run the query.
return $.when.apply($, $.map(queriesToExecute, function(query) { // *** 1
// Execute the query in the region
return executeQuery(query.InstanceInfo, query.Query).then(function(data) { // *** 1
var mappedData = [];
// Perform some data transformation
return $.when.apply($, $.map(data.results, function(value) {
var properties = value.succinctProperties;
//code removed for brevity
return mapData(properties).then(function(mappedRow) { // *** 1
if (mappedRow) {
})).then(function() {
return {
results: mappedData,
numItems: mappedData.length


你也可以从早期切换到内置的 promise 语义而不是 jQuery 的Deferred中受益:

function multipleQueries(queriesToExecute, rowData) {
// If a single query has been provided, convert it into an array
if (Array.isArray(queriesToExecute) === false) {
queriesToExecute = [queriesToExecute];
// Create a function for each region to run the query.
return Promise.all(queriesToExecute.map(function(query) {
// Execute the query in the region
return executeQuery(query.InstanceInfo, query.Query).then(function(data) {
return Promise.all(data.results.map(function(value) {
var properties = value.succinctProperties;
//code removed for brevity
return mapData(properties);
}).then(function(mappedData) {
mappedData = mappedData.filter(Boolean); // Remove the falsy ones from `mapData`
return {
results: mappedData,
numItems: mappedData.length

