

我是Moodle的新手,并且在本地Windows 7机器上创建了Moodle网站(版本3.3.2)。现在,我必须将该网站演示给30名学生,这是我在UNI的最终项目的一部分。我如何将网站从Windows机器迁移,以说出学生都可以访问的虚拟Windows计算机?



1.1 Turn on maintenance mode *(front end UI)*
1.2 Backup the Moodle database on the old sever *(can be done in phpmyadmin or mysqlworkbench or whatever other relevant database management software you use and depending on the database you are using)*
1.3 Restore the database backup to the new server *(as above)*
1.4 Copy moodledata from the old server to the new server *(while rsync is a useful tool, this can be done with any copy/paste tool or ftp etc - just be prepared to take time if you are copying between servers or via an external medium)*
1.5 Copy the Moodle code from the old server to the new server *(as above - copy/ftp or just reinstall the code and then copy your config.php)*
1.6 Update config.php with the URL of the new server 
1.7 Test the copied site
1.8 Update links containing wwwroot in the database *(you may want to do this as part of the migration above - using a search and replace on the text of the export before re-importing it)*
1.9 Take the site out of maintenance mode