C Koala图库 - 了解访问数据结构的语法

我正在使用C 图库Koala来计算图的最小切割。

这是我正在使用的示例 - 示例。它只是创建一个图形,并在边缘上具有能力并计算最小切割。


Flow::minEdgeCut(g, cap, s, t, Flow::outCut(blackHole, edgeIter()));



该示例将stuct edgeIter作为参数传递给outCutedgeIter提供3个过载操作员。我需要在此stuct中添加其他成员吗?

struct edgeIter {
    void operator=(MyGraph::PEdge e) { cout << e->info; }
    void operator++() { }
    edgeIter &operator*() { return *this; }


/** brief Auxiliary class to represent the edge cut. (output structure) */
    template< class VIter, class EIter > struct OutCut
        VIter vertIter;/**<brief Insert iterator  to the container with vertexes (accessible from starting vertex after the cut)*/
        EIter edgeIter;/**<brief Insert iterator to the container with edges of the cat.*/
        /**brief Constructor*/
        OutCut( VIter av, EIter ei ): vertIter( av ), edgeIter( ei ) { }
/**brief Generating function for the OutCut object.
 *  tparam VIter the type of insert iterator to container with vertices.
 *  tparam EIter the type of insert iterator to container with edges.
 *  param av the insert iterator to container with vertices.
 *  tparam ei the insert iterator to container with edges.
 *  [See example](examples/flow/example_Flow.html). */
template< class VIter, class EIter > static OutCut< VIter,EIter > outCut( VIter av, EIter ei )
    { return OutCut< VIter,EIter >( av,ei ); }


std::vector<MyGraph::PEdge> edges;
Flow::minEdgeCut(g, cap, s, t, Flow::outCut(blackHole, std::back_inserter(edges)));

