如何在移动到下一个屏幕之前等待 React useEffect 钩子完成

我在多个文件中使用了钩子并且在第 1 个异步方法完成之前被调用了两次以供 useEffect 使用(这应该阻止第二个钩子调用,但事实并非如此(。请参阅以下 2 个场景:


const { context, state } = useLobby(); // Hook is called here 1st, which will do the initial render and checks
return (
<LobbyContext.Provider value={context}>
? <LobbyStack.Screen name="Lobby" component={LobbyScreen} />
: <LobbyStack.Screen name="Queue" component={QueueScreen} />


export const useLobby = () => {
const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(...)
// Scenario 1
// This get called twice (adds user to room twice)
React.useEffect(() => {
if (!state.isActive) assignRoom();
}, [state.isActive])
const assignRoom = async () => {
// dispatch room id
const context = React.useMemo(() => ({
join: () => { assignRoom(); }


const { context, state } = useLobby(); // Hook is called here 2nd right after checking state from stack navigator
// Scenario 2
// Only does it once, however after state is changed to active
// the stack navigator didn't get re-render like it did in Scenario 1
React.useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
? "Show the room Id"
: "Check again"

在场景 1 中,我想当调用第一个钩子并且 useEffect 正在异步将用户添加到房间并将活动设置为 true。同时,条件渲染部分直接移动到队列屏幕,该屏幕再次调用钩子并执行 useEffect(因为 1st 尚未完成,isActive仍然是假的(。

如何正确设置 useReducer 和 useMemo,以便它根据状态渲染屏幕。


/* LobbyProvider */
const LobbyContext = React.createContext();
const lobbyReducer = (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'SET_LOBBY':
return {
isActive: action.active,
lobby: action.lobby
case 'SET_ROOM':
return {
isQueued: action.queue,
roomId: action.roomId,
return state;
const LobbyProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(lobbyReducer, initialState);
React.useEffect(() => {
console.log("Provider:", state)
if (!state.isActive) joinRoom();
}, [])
// Using Firebase functions
const joinRoom = async () => {
try {
const response = await functions().httpsCallable('getActiveLobby')();
if (response) {
dispatch({ type: 'SET_LOBBY', active: true, lobby: response.data })
const room = await functions().httpsCallable('assignRoom')({ id: response.data.id });
dispatch({ type: 'SET_ROOM', queue: false, roomId: room.data.id })
} catch (e) {
return (
<LobbyContext.Provider value={{state, dispatch}}>
{ children }

/* StackNavigator */ 
const {state} = React.useContext(LobbyContext);
return (
// same as above <LobbyStack.Navigator>
// state doesn't seem to be updated here or to re-render

/* Queue Screen */
const {state} = React.useContext(LobbyContext);
// accessing state.isActive to do some conditional rendering
// which roomId does get rendered after dispatch


例如,您在 StackNavigator 组件中调用钩子,然后在 QueueScreen 中再次调用,因此将调用 2 个不同的 useReducer,而不是它们共享状态。

相反,您应该在 StackNavigator 的父级中使用 useReducer,然后将其用作 useLobby 钩子中的上下文

const LobbyStateContext = React.createContext();
const Component =  ({children}) => {
const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(...)
return (
<LobbyStateContext.Provider value={[state, dispatch]]>


<StackNavigator />

然后,useLobby 将看起来像

export const useLobby = () => {
const [state, dispatch] = React.useContext(LobbyStateContext)
const assignRoom = async () => {
// dispatch room id
const context = React.useMemo(() => ({
join: () => { assignRoom(); }
return { context, assignRoom, state};


const { context, state, assignRoom } = useLobby(); 
React.useEffect(() => {
if (!state.isActive) assignRoom();
}, [state.isActive])
return (
<LobbyContext.Provider value={context}>
? <LobbyStack.Screen name="Lobby" component={LobbyScreen} />
: <LobbyStack.Screen name="Queue" component={QueueScreen} />
