我需要做的是存储数据的大小。CSV 文件作为变量。 如何添加比较以在列表"data.csv
00> Listing directory: /00> 0 EVENTLOG.CSV <DIR> SYSTEM~1 183600 DATA.CSV ```
void Get_data_csv_file_size()//of the data csv
if(Logging_UART_SD_CARD == true){NRF_LOG_INFO("rn Listing directory: /");}
ff_result = f_opendir(&dir, "/");
if (ff_result)
if(Logging_UART_SD_CARD == true){NRF_LOG_INFO("Directory listing failed!");}
ff_result = f_readdir(&dir, &fno);
if (ff_result != FR_OK)
if(Logging_UART_SD_CARD == true){NRF_LOG_INFO("Directory read failed.");}
if (fno.fname[0])
if (fno.fattrib & AM_DIR)
if(Logging_UART_SD_CARD == true){NRF_LOG_RAW_INFO(" <DIR> %s",(uint32_t)fno.fname);}
if(Logging_UART_SD_CARD == true){NRF_LOG_RAW_INFO("%9lu %s", fno.fsize, (uint32_t)fno.fname);}
if(strcmp((uint32_t)fno.fname, "data.csv")==0)//Convert both to a uint32_t
Size_of_file = fno.fsize;//Set the size of the file
//Does not get to here
while (fno.fname[0]);
请注意,这是使用手臂板在 C 中编程的。我需要做什么操作才能获得文件大小?
if(fno.name == "data.csv")
Size_of_file = fno.fsize;//Set the size of the file
以防万一您确定使用 stricmp(( 的实现会很有用,这是我使用过的:
//case insensitive string compare
int cb_stricmp(const char *a, const char *b)
if(!a) return -1;
if(!b) return -1;
int ch_a = 0;
int ch_b = 0;
while ( ch_a != ' ' &&ch_a == ch_b)
ch_a = (unsigned char) *a++;
ch_b = (unsigned char) *b++;
ch_a = tolower(toupper(ch_a));
ch_b = tolower(toupper(ch_b));
return ch_a - ch_b;
neeeded 将 fno.fname 转换为字符串以比较结果。
char string_test[9] = "DATA.CSV";
char name_test[9]={0};
snprintf(name_test, sizeof(name_test),"%s",(uint32_t)fno.fname);
NRF_LOG_INFO("Result is: %s",name_test);
int result = strcmp(name_test, string_test);
if(result==0)//Convert both to a uint32_t
Size_of_file = fno.fsize;//Set the size of the file
NRF_LOG_INFO("Size of file using is: %9lu",Size_of_file);