




>>> State_data
Time  level value  97E03K  90KFTO  FXRDW9  1I4OX9  N6HO97
0  2017-04-01  State    NY      15       7       8      19      17
1  2017-05-01  State    NY      11       8       9      16      11
2  2017-06-01  State    NY      17      16       6      12      17
3  2017-04-01  State   WDC       6      17      19       8      20
4  2017-05-01  State   WDC      19       9      20      11      17
5  2017-06-01  State   WDC      10      11       6      20      11
>>> District_data
Time     level     value  97E03K  90KFTO  FXRDW9  1I4OX9  N6HO97
0  2017-04-01  District  Downtown       2       1       5       3       5
1  2017-05-01  District  Downtown       4       3       2       4       3
2  2017-06-01  District  Downtown       4       3       4       1       3
3  2017-04-01  District   Central       3       4       3       5       5
4  2017-05-01  District   Central       4       3       5       4       3
5  2017-06-01  District   Central       4       3       5       5       3


Time       level       value  97E03K  90KFTO  FXRDW9  1I4OX9  N6HO97
0  2017-04-01  Aggregated  Aggregated      27      21      23      30      21
1  2017-05-01  Aggregated  Aggregated      27      29      26      22      30
2  2017-06-01  Aggregated  Aggregated      27      30      30      25      25
3  2017-04-01  Aggregated  Aggregated      22      27      30      22      25
4  2017-05-01  Aggregated  Aggregated      22      21      24      22      29
5  2017-06-01  Aggregated  Aggregated      25      27      23      22      24
  1. 我必须为每个级别迭代,并根据此字典找到每个级别与相应级别的聚合的比率:

columns_to_work = {'97E03K': '97E03K', '90KFTO': '97E03K', 'FXRDW9': '97E03K', '1I4OX9': '1I4OX9', 'N6HO97': '97E03K'}

在这里,对于每个键,我将找到其值 wrt 与同一日期相同值的聚合级别的比率,并将列名替换为key+'_rank'.




Time     level     value  97E03K_rank  90KFTO_rank  FXRDW9_rank  1I4OX9_rank  N6HO97_rank
0   2017-04-01     State        NY     0.555556     0.555556     0.555556     0.633333     0.555556
1   2017-05-01     State        NY     0.407407     0.407407     0.407407     0.727273     0.407407
2   2017-06-01     State        NY     0.629630     0.629630     0.629630     0.480000     0.629630
3   2017-04-01     State       WDC     0.272727     0.272727     0.272727     0.363636     0.272727
4   2017-05-01     State       WDC     0.863636     0.863636     0.863636     0.500000     0.863636
5   2017-06-01     State       WDC     0.400000     0.400000     0.400000     0.909091     0.400000
6   2017-04-01  District  Downtown     0.074074     0.074074     0.074074     0.100000     0.074074
7   2017-05-01  District  Downtown     0.148148     0.148148     0.148148     0.181818     0.148148
8   2017-06-01  District  Downtown     0.148148     0.148148     0.148148     0.040000     0.148148
9   2017-04-01  District   Central     0.136364     0.136364     0.136364     0.227273     0.136364
10  2017-05-01  District   Central     0.181818     0.181818     0.181818     0.181818     0.181818
11  2017-06-01  District   Central     0.160000     0.160000     0.160000     0.227273     0.160000


for l,da in data.items(): #Here l is the key and da is the dataframe
level[l] = da.copy()
lev[l] = pd.DataFrame() #Just a copy to work with
lev[l] = pd.concat([lev[l],level[l][[tim,'level','value']]],sort=False)

for c,d in columns_to_work.items():

level[l] = level[l].join(aggregated_data[[d]], on = tim, rsuffix = '_rank1')
level[l].rename(columns = {d+'_rank1':c+'_rank'}, inplace=True)
level[l][c+'_rank'] = level[l][d]/level[l][c+'_rank'] 
lev[l] = pd.concat([lev[l],level[l][c+'_rank']],axis=1,sort=False)



在第一次迭代中,我将迭代字典中存在的所有级别,而在第二次迭代中,我将迭代列名称。但在这里,'columns_to_work 是一个字典,键和值都是我的数据帧中的列。





步骤 1:连接州和地区数据

df = pd.concat([State_data, District_data])

第 2 步:将 sate 和地区数据连接到聚合数据(使用 index,因为同一Time有多个不同的行(

df = pd.merge(
right=aggregated_data.drop(columns=['level', 'value', 'Time']), 
suffixes=['', '_agg']

步骤 3:循环访问columns_to_work

for k, v in columns_to_work.items():
df[f'{k}_rank'] = df[v]/df[f'{v}_agg']

步骤 4:对df排序并删除不必要的列

df = df[['Time', 'level', 'value', '97E03K_rank', '90KFTO_rank', 'FXRDW9_rank', '1I4OX9_rank', 'N6HO97_rank']].sort_values('level', ascending=False)


Time     level     value  97E03K_rank  90KFTO_rank  FXRDW9_rank  1I4OX9_rank  N6HO97_rank
2017-04-01     State        NY        0.556        0.556        0.556        0.633        0.556
2017-05-01     State        NY        0.407        0.407        0.407        0.727        0.407
2017-06-01     State        NY        0.630        0.630        0.630        0.480        0.630
2017-04-01     State       WDC        0.273        0.273        0.273        0.364        0.273
2017-05-01     State       WDC        0.864        0.864        0.864        0.500        0.864
2017-06-01     State       WDC        0.400        0.400        0.400        0.909        0.400
2017-04-01  District  Downtown        0.074        0.074        0.074        0.100        0.074
2017-05-01  District  Downtown        0.148        0.148        0.148        0.182        0.148
2017-06-01  District  Downtown        0.148        0.148        0.148        0.040        0.148
2017-04-01  District   Central        0.136        0.136        0.136        0.227        0.136
2017-05-01  District   Central        0.182        0.182        0.182        0.182        0.182
2017-06-01  District   Central        0.160        0.160        0.160        0.227        0.160
