





import numpy as np
import random
import gc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter

nData = 2000 #2000 points used on each cluster for 4000 points total
nTrain = 1000 #Used for training loop and to create clusters
nEpoch = 1 #Initial epoch value
nTest = 2000 #Used for testing loop
#alpha = 0.001
#Initializing 2D array for x which will carry the x1 and x2 values
#Also creating the radius and theta values for the cluster data
std = 0.5
x = np.zeros((2*nData,2))
t = np.zeros((2*nData))
r = np.random.normal(0,std,2*nData);
theta = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(2*nData);
#w11f and w12f are used to plot the value of weights w11 and w12 as they update
w11f = np.zeros(nEpoch*nTrain)
w12f = np.zeros(nEpoch*nTrain)
#Creating cluster 1 and target data
h = -6 + 12*np.random.rand(nData)
v = 5 + (h**2)/6
x[0:nData,0] = h + r[0:nData]*np.cos(theta[0:nData])
x[0:nData,1] = v + r[0:nData]*np.sin(theta[0:nData])
t[0:nData] = 0
#Creating cluster 2 and target data
h = -5 + 10*np.random.rand(nData)
v = 10 + (h**2)/4
x[nData:2*nData,0] = h + r[nData:2*nData]*np.cos(theta[nData:2*nData])
x[nData:2*nData,1] = v + r[nData:2*nData]*np.sin(theta[nData:2*nData])
t[nData:2*nData] = 1
x[:,0] = 1 + 0.1*x[:,0]
x[:,1] = 1 + 0.1*x[:,1]
#Parameter Initialization
w11 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
w12 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
w21 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
w22 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
w31 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
w32 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
w41 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
w42 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
b4 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
b3 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
b2 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
b1 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
ww1 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
ww2 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
ww3 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
ww4 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
bb = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
#Creating a list from 0 to 3999
a = range(0,2*nData)
#Creating a 3D array (tensor) to store all the error values at the end of each 50 iteration loop
er_List = np.zeros((14,50,6))
#Creating the final array to store the counter of successful error. These are errors under 0.05 in value
#the rows represent the alpha values from 0.001 to 0.05 and the columns represent each epoch from 1 to 6. This way you can view the 2D array and see which alpha and epoch give the most successes for the lowest error.
nSuccess_Array = np.zeros((14,6))

#Part B - Creating nested loops to train for multiple alpha and epoch value
for l in range(0,14): #loop for alpha values
alpha = [0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.004, 0.005, 0.006, 0.007, 0.008, 0.009, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05]
for n in range(0,6): #loop for incrementing epoch values
nSuccess = 0
#Initialize these again so the size updates as the epoch changes
w11f = np.zeros(nEpoch*nTrain)
w12f = np.zeros(nEpoch*nTrain)
for j in range(0,50):
#Initialize the parameters again so they are random every 50 iterations (for each new epoch 
w11 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
w12 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
w21 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
w22 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
w31 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
w32 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
w41 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
w42 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
b4 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
b3 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
b2 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
b1 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
ww1 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
ww2 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
ww3 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
ww4 = 0.5 - np.random.rand();
bb = 0.5 - np.random.rand();

sp = random.sample(a,nTrain + nTest)
p = 0
for epoch in range(0,nEpoch):
for i in range(0,nTrain):
#Neuron dot product
y1 = b1 + w11*x[sp[i],0] + w12*x[sp[i],1]
y2 = b2 + w21*x[sp[i],0] + w22*x[sp[i],1]
y3 = b3 + w31*x[sp[i],0] + w32*x[sp[i],1]
y4 = b4 + w41*x[sp[i],0] + w42*x[sp[i],1]
#Neuron activation function ReLU
dxx1 = y1 > 0
xx1 = y1*dxx1

dxx2 = y2 > 0
xx2 = y2*dxx2

dxx3 = y3 > 0
xx3 = y3*dxx3

dxx4 = y4 > 0
xx4 = y4*dxx4
#Output of neural network before activation function
yy = bb + ww1*xx1 + ww2*xx2 + ww3*xx3 + ww4*xx4
yy = yy > 0 #activation function
e = t[sp[i]] - yy #error calculation

#Updating parameters
ww1 = ww1 + alpha[l]*e*xx1
ww2 = ww2 + alpha[l]*e*xx2
ww3 = ww3 + alpha[l]*e*xx3
ww4 = ww4 + alpha[l]*e*xx4

bb = bb + alpha[l]*e

w11 = w11 + alpha[l]*e*ww1*dxx1*x[sp[i],0]
w12 = w12 + alpha[l]*e*ww1*dxx1*x[sp[i],1]

w21 = w21 + alpha[l]*e*ww2*dxx2*x[sp[i],0]
w22 = w22 + alpha[l]*e*ww2*dxx2*x[sp[i],1]

w31 = w31 + alpha[l]*e*ww3*dxx3*x[sp[i],0]
w32 = w32 + alpha[l]*e*ww3*dxx3*x[sp[i],1]

w41 = w41 + alpha[l]*e*ww4*dxx4*x[sp[i],0]
w42 = w42 + alpha[l]*e*ww4*dxx4*x[sp[i],1]

b1 = b1 + alpha[l]*e*ww1*dxx1
b2 = b2 + alpha[l]*e*ww2*dxx2
b3 = b3 + alpha[l]*e*ww3*dxx3
b4 = b4 + alpha[l]*e*ww4*dxx4

w11f[p] = w11
w12f[p] = w12
p = p + 1
er = 0
for k in range(nTrain,nTrain + nTest):
y1 = b1 + w11*x[sp[i],0] + w12*x[sp[i],1]
y2 = b2 + w21*x[sp[i],0] + w22*x[sp[i],1]
y3 = b3 + w31*x[sp[i],0] + w32*x[sp[i],1]
y4 = b4 + w41*x[sp[i],0] + w42*x[sp[i],1]

dxx1 = y1 > 0
xx1 = y1*dxx1

dxx2 = y2 > 0
xx2 = y2*dxx2

dxx3 = y3 > 0
xx3 = y3*dxx3

dxx4 = y4 > 0
xx4 = y4*dxx4

yy = bb + ww1*xx1 + ww2*xx2 + ww3*xx3 + ww4*xx4
yy = yy > 0
e = abs(t[sp[k]] - yy)
er = er + e #Accumulates error
er = er/nTest #Calculates average error
er_List[l,j,n] = er

if er_List[l,j,n] < 0.05:
nSuccess = nSuccess + 1
#Part C - Creating an Array that contains the success values of each
#alpha and epoch value pair
nSuccess_Array[l,n] = nSuccess #Array that contains the success

if nEpoch < 6:
nEpoch = nEpoch +1

if er < 0.5:

X = np.arange(0.25,1.75,0.02)
Y = np.arange(1.25,2.75,0.02)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(X,Y)

y1 = b1 + w11*X + w12*Y
y2 = b2 + w21*X + w22*Y
y3 = b3 + w31*X + w32*Y
y4 = b4 + w41*X + w42*Y

dxx1 = y1 > 0
xx1 = y1*dxx1

dxx2 = y2 > 0
xx2 = y2*dxx2

dxx3 = y3 > 0
xx3 = y3*dxx3    

dxx4 = y4 > 0
xx4 = y4*dxx4

yy = bb + ww1*xx1 + ww2*xx2 + ww3*xx3 + ww4*xx4
Z = yy > 0


ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')

#Plotting the separating planes
X = np.arange(0.25,1.75,0.02)
Y = np.arange(1.25,2.75,0.02)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(X,Y)

y1 = b1 + w11*X + w12*Y
y2 = b2 + w21*X + w22*Y
y3 = b3 + w31*X + w32*Y
y4 = b4 + w41*X + w42*Y

dxx1 = y1 > 0
xx1 = y1*dxx1

dxx2 = y2 > 0
xx2 = y2*dxx2

dxx3 = y3 > 0
xx3 = y3*dxx3    

dxx4 = y4 > 0
xx4 = y4*dxx4

yy = bb + ww1*xx1 + ww2*xx2 + ww3*xx3 + ww4*xx4
Z = yy > 0
ax.plot_surface(X,Y,Z,rstride=1, cstride=1,cmap='viridis',alpha=0.5)

ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
X = np.arange(0,5,0.02)
Y = np.arange(0,5,0.02)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(X,Y)

y1 = b1 + w11*X + w12*Y
y2 = b2 + w21*X + w22*Y
y3 = b3 + w31*X + w32*Y
y4 = b4 + w41*X + w42*Y

dxx1 = y1 > 0
xx1 = y1*dxx1

dxx2 = y2 > 0
xx2 = y2*dxx2

dxx3 = y3 > 0
xx3 = y3*dxx3    

dxx4 = y4 > 0
xx4 = y4*dxx4

yy = bb + ww1*xx1 + ww2*xx2 + ww3*xx3 + ww4*xx4
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, yy, rstride=1, cstride=1,cmap='viridis', edgecolor='none')

是的,您可以使用np.matmul(a@b(手动计算梯度。查看Fastai v3课程,第2部分 Howard操纵PyTorch张量,但你也可以在NumPy中操作。
