当分组依据子句的 count(*) 为零时,显示 0




  1. coalesce(count(m.a),'0')
  2. isnull(count(m.a),'0')
  3. case when count(*) > 0 then count(*) else '0' end
select  M.a, m.b, m.c, m.d, m.e,
 --coalesce(count(m.a),'0') as CountOfRecords
 --isnull(count(m.a),'0') as CountOfRecords
 --case when count(*) > 0 then count(*) else '0' end
 from my_table M
 left join
 (select a, b,c,d,e 
  from my_table
 group by a, b,c,d,e 
 having count(*) >1 ) B
 on M.b = B.b 
 and M.c = B.c
 and M.d = B.d
 and M.e = B.e
 and m.a <> B.a
 where M.a in (1,2)
 and M.date<= '1/1/2019'
 group by M.a, m.b, m.c, m.d, m.e


A  B  C  D E  count
1  1  1  1 1   10
2  2  2  2 2   0


A  B  C  D E  count
1  1  1  1 1   10


select coalesce(nb, 0) from (
  select count(*) nb from my_table
  group by my_table.a
) nested;


select a, b, c, d, e,
       sum(case when M.date <= '2019-01-01' then 1 else 0 end) as cnt
from my_table
where a in (1, 2)
group by a, b, c, d, e;

这会保留原始数据中与 a 上的条件匹配的所有行,但不一定与日期上的条件匹配。 然后,它仅计算与日期匹配的行。
