
它目前在月度报告中。我希望它有 4 个季度,第一季度、第二季度、第三季度、第四季度,而不是一月、二月、三月、四月、五月、六月、七月等。


create table sales(year int, month int, qty int);
insert into sales values(2007, 1, 1000);
insert into sales values(2007, 2, 1500);
insert into sales values(2007, 7, 500);
insert into sales values(2007, 11, 1500);
insert into sales values(2007, 12, 2000);
insert into sales values(2008, 1, 1000);
select * from crosstab(
'select year, month, qty from sales order by 1',
'select m from generate_series(1,12) m'
) as (
year int,
"Jan" int,
"Feb" int,
"Mar" int,
"Apr" int,
"May" int,
"Jun" int,
"Jul" int,
"Aug" int,
"Sep" int,
"Oct" int,
"Nov" int,
"Dec" int


select year,
sum(qty) filter (where month between 1 and 3) as q1,
sum(qty) filter (where month between 4 and 6) as q2,
sum(qty) filter (where month between 7 and 9) as q3,
sum(qty) filter (where month between 10 and 12) as q4
from t
group by year;
