

   #include <iostream>
   #include <unistd.h>
   #include <pthread.h>
   #include <sched.h>
   #include <string.h>
   #include <errno.h>
   int main()
   { //something
     struct sched_param main_param, t1_param, t2_param;
     pthread_t t1, t2;
      int *sched1, *sched2;
     if (pthread_create(&t1, NULL, fn1, NULL) != 0) // inside fn1 thread sleeps in loop
        std::cout << "couldn't create t1" << std::endl;
        return -1;
     if (pthread_create(&t2, NULL, fn2, NULL) != 0)  //inside fn2 thread sleeps in loop
        std::cout << "couldn't create t2" << std::endl;
        return -1;
   if (pthread_getschedparam(t1, sched1, &t1_param) != 0) 
       std::cout << "error setting priority for T1: (" << errno << "), " << 
        strerror(errno) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "t1 thread will have a prio of " << t1_param.sched_priority << std::endl;
   if (pthread_getschedparam(t1, sched2, &t1_param) != 0) 
       std::cout << "error setting priority for T1: (" << errno << "), " << 
       strerror(errno) << std::endl;
   std::cout << "t2 thread will have a prio of " << t2_param.sched_priority <<std::endl;
 // something 


您声明了指针sched1sched2类型为 int*,但从未初始化过这些指针。您需要分配int变量,然后将指针传递给这些变量。


int sched1, sched2;
if (pthread_getschedparam(t1, &sched1, ....
int *sched1;pthread_getschedparam(T1、Sched1 和 t1_param(;sched1 是未初始化的指针!


国际调度1;pthread_getschedparam(T1, 和 Sched1, &t1_param(;
