

在我处理N = 6000的具体情况下,矩阵可以变大。由于它很稀疏,因此我假设对角度化的最佳方法是使用算法scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(),尽管我与其他稀疏和对称的矩阵(不是Tridiagonal的矩阵)相对出色。特别是,由于我只需要频谱的低位置部分,因此我在功能中指定k=2which='SM'


arpacknoconervergence:arpack错误-1:无收敛(60001迭代,0/2 eigenVectors contresed)



import scipy.sparse.linalg as sl
import numpy as np
dim = 6000
a = np.empty( dim - 1 )
a.fill( 1. )
diag_up = np.diag( a, 1 )
diag_bot = np.diag( a, -1 )
b = np.empty( dim )
b.fill( 1. )
mat = np.diag( b ) + diag_up + diag_bot
v, w = sl.eigsh(mat, 2, which = 'SM')


arpack擅长找到大型特征值,但可能很难找到小型特征。幸运的是,您可以使用eigsh中内置的Shift Envert选项很容易地解决此问题。例如,请参阅此处。

import scipy.sparse.linalg as sl
import scipy.sparse as spr
import numpy as np
dim = 6000
diag = np.empty( dim )
diag.fill( 1. )
# construct the matrix in sparse format and cast to CSC which is preferred by the shift-invert algorithm
M = spr.dia_matrix((np.array([diag, diag, diag]), [0,-1, 1]), shape=(dim,dim)).tocsc()
# Set sigma=0 to find eigenvalues closest to zero, i.e. those with smallest magnitude. 
# Note: under shift-invert the small magnitued eigenvalues in the original problem become the large magnitue eigenvalue
# so 'which' parameter needs to be 'LM'
v, w = sl.eigsh(M, 2, sigma=0, which='LM')


from math import sqrt, cos, pi
eigs = [abs(1-2*cos(i*pi/(1+dim))) for i in range(1, dim+1)]



import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
from timeit import default_timer as timer
dim = 6000
diag = np.ones(dim)
offdiag = np.ones(dim - 1)
eig_range = (-0.005, 0.005) # center it on zero for the comparison with eigsh to work properly!
lapack_time = timer()
evals_lapack, evecs_lapack = la.eigh_tridiagonal(diag, offdiag, select = 'v', select_range = eig_range)
lapack_time = timer() - lapack_time


import scipy.sparse as spa
import scipy.sparse.linalg as sla
n_eigvals = np.size(evals_lapack)
evals_true = 1.0 - 2.0 * np.cos(np.arange(1, dim + 1) * np.pi / (dim + 1))
sm_idxs = np.argpartition(np.abs(evals_true), (0, n_eigvals))[:n_eigvals]
evals_true_sm = np.sort(evals_true[sm_idxs])
arpack_time = timer()
sparse_csc_matrix = spa.dia_matrix((np.array([diag, diag, diag]), [0, -1, 1]), shape = (dim, dim)).tocsc()
evals_arpack, evecs_arpack = sla.eigsh(sparse_csc_matrix, n_eigvals, sigma = 0, which = 'LM')
arpack_time = timer() - arpack_time
lapack_accuracy = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square((evals_lapack - evals_true_sm) / evals_true_sm)))
arpack_accuracy = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square((evals_arpack - evals_true_sm) / evals_true_sm)))
print("for", n_eigvals, "eigenvalues...")
print("are results the same?", np.allclose(evals_lapack, evals_arpack))
print("lapack time: ", lapack_time)
print("arpack time: ", arpack_time)
print("lapack error:", lapack_accuracy)
print("arpack error:", arpack_accuracy)


for 11 eigenvalues...
are results the same? True
lapack time:  0.027329199999996945
arpack time:  0.1122953999999936
lapack error: 1.0656446384601465e-13
arpack error: 3.0175238399729594e-13
for 1137 eigenvalues...
are results the same? True
lapack time:  10.724007
arpack time:  62.3984447
lapack error: 4.6350742410143475e-14
arpack error: 3.0063051257502015e-14
