以下是一些在Snow Leopard上与Microsoft Excel交互的Applescript代码-如何添加缺少的函





property numFiles : 0
on open excelFiles

set fileNames to ""
tell application "Finder"
    repeat with eachFile in excelFiles
        --open document file eachFile
        --tell application "Microsoft Excel"
        --increment count

        --save name of each file
        set fileNames to fileNames & return & (POSIX path of eachFile)
        --TO DO insert a column
        --TO DO insert text in each column to the name of eachFile
        --end tell
    end repeat
    display dialog fileNames
    --display dialog "Ouch that hurt " & return & "You dropped " & (count excelFiles) & "files on me"
end tell
end open
on addFilePath(eachFile)
set fileNames to fileNames & (POSIX path of eachFile)
end addFilePath


我不了解所有内容-->将文件名插入该列的每一行|TO DO每列中的文本插入到每个文件的名称。


    on open excelFiles
    set numFiles to count excelFiles
    repeat with eachFile in excelFiles -- open each file in Excel
        tell application "Microsoft Excel"
            set tBook to open workbook workbook file name (eachFile as string)
            set tName to name of tBook
            insert into range column 1 of active sheet -- insert column
            set lastCell to last cell of used range of active sheet -- get last cell from the used range
            set value of range ("A1:A" & first row index of lastCell) of active sheet to tName --set first column's values to the file name
            close tBook saving yes
        end tell
    end repeat
    display dialog numFiles
end open


内存不足:这个奇怪的错误似乎是:在tell block application中调用处理程序时没有使用mytell me to)。

像这样使用myset x to my addFilePath(eachFile)

此外,不建议在application Finder块中使用tell application "Microsoft Excel"块,这可能会导致意外错误。
