



        declare @x as xml
     set @x =
    SELECT distinct  
    Table1.AssetObjID, Table1.Asset_ID , Table1.FromLR, Table1.AssetType + ', ' + Table1.StreetName + ', ' +  Table1.FromMunicNo   as FirstRow,
    Table2.ACIObjID ,Table2.PAssetObjID, Table2.Feature_ID + ', ' + Table2.FeatureName   AS ChildOfFirstRow,
    Table3.ITMObjID  ,Table3.Item_ID + ',' + Table3.[DESC] as GrandChildOfFirstRow
    FROM  Table1 left outer join 
    Table2 ON Table1.AssetObjID = Table2.PAssetObjID left outer join 
    Table3 ON Table1.AssetObjID = Table3.AssetObjID AND Table2.ACIObjID = Table3.ACIObjID
    where Table1.AssetType ='xxxx' 
    for xml auto,root('xml')
--what it does is it only grabs one empty element and deletes only occurrences of that           
--specific element for the whole file 
--so If I have 2 or more elements which are empty in an xml file 
--I will have to repeat that code each time
    SET @x.modify('delete //*[not(node()) and not(./@*)]')
    SET @x.modify('delete //*[not(node()) and not(./@*)]')

您可以使用for xml path()并使用相关的子查询构建嵌套级别。

select Table1.AssetObjID as "@AssetObjID",
       Table1.Asset_ID as "@Asset_ID",
       Table1.FromLR as "@FromLR",
       Table1.AssetType + ', ' + Table1.StreetName + ', ' +  Table1.FromMunicNo   as "@FirstRow",
       select Table2.ACIObjID as "@ACIObjID",
              Table2.PAssetObjID as "@PAssetObjID",
              Table2.Feature_ID + ', ' + Table2.FeatureName   AS "@ChildOfFirstRow",
              select Table3.ITMObjID as "@ITMObjID",
                     Table3.Item_ID + ',' + Table3.[DESC] as "@GrandChildOfFirstRow"
              from Table3
              where Table1.AssetObjID = Table3.AssetObjID and 
                    Table2.ACIObjID = Table3.ACIObjID
              for xml path('Table3'), type
       from Table2
       where Table1.AssetObjID = Table2.PAssetObjID
       for xml path('Table2'), type
from Table1
where Table1.AssetType = 'xxxx'
for xml path('Table1'), root('xml')
