错误 70 打开语句 (I/O) 运行时权限被拒绝,以检查.pdf文件是否已打开



Open filename For Input Lock Read As #filenum

我 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/open-statement 尝试通过更改模式(必需。指定文件模式的关键字:追加、二进制、输入、输出或随机。如果未指定,则打开文件以进行随机访问。和锁(可选。指定其他进程对打开的文件限制的操作的关键字:共享、锁定读取、锁定写入和锁定读写。但我仍然收到错误。

Sub exportPDF_Click()
Dim filename, filePath, PathFile As String
filename = "Name of the File"
filePath = ActiveWorkbook.Path
On Error GoTo errHandler
If Len(filename) = 0 Then Exit Sub
PathFile = filePath & "" & filename & ".pdf"
' Check if file exists, prompt overwrite
If existFile(PathFile) Then
If MsgBox("The file already exists." & Chr (10) & "Overwrite 
existing file?", _
vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Existing File") = vbNo Then
PathFile = Application.GetSaveAsFilename _
(InitialFileName:=filePath, _
FileFilter:="PDF Files (*.pdf), *.pdf", _
Title:="Select a folder and a name to save the
' Handle cancel
If PathFile = False Then Exit Sub
' Loop if new filename still exists
Loop While existFile(PathFile)
End If
End If
If fileOpened(PathFile) Then
GoTo errHandler
ThisWorkbook.ExportAsFixedFormat _
Type:=xlTypePDF, _
filename:=PathFile, _
Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _
IncludeDocProperties:=True, _
IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _
End If
Exit Sub
' Display a message stating the file in use.
MsgBox "The PDF file was not created." & Chr (10) & Chr (10) & 
filename & ".pdf" & "has been opened by another user!"
End Sub
Function existFile(rsFullPath As String) As Boolean
existFile = CBool(Len(Dir$(rsFullPath)) > 0)
End Function
Function fileOpened(PathFile As String)
' Test to see if the file is open.
fileOpened = IsFileOpen(PathFile)
End Function
' This function checks to see if a file is open or not. If the file is
' already open, it returns True. If the file is not open, it returns
' False. Otherwise, a run-time error occurs because there is
' some other problem accessing the file.
Function IsFileOpen(filename As String)
Dim filenum As Integer, errnum As Integer
On Error Resume Next   ' Turn error checking off.
filenum = FreeFile()   ' Get a free file number.
' Attempt to open the file and lock it.
Open filename For Input Lock Read As #filenum '<--- error line
Close filenum          ' Close the file.
errnum = Err           ' Save the error number that occurred.
On Error GoTo 0        ' Turn error checking back on.
' Check to see which error occurred.
Select Case errnum
' No error occurred.
' File is NOT already open by another user.
Case 0
IsFileOpen = False
' Error number for "Permission Denied."
' File is already opened by another user.
Case 70
IsFileOpen = True
' Another error occurred.
Case Else
Error errnum
End Select
End Function


"未创建 PDF 文件。



我想我明白你在这里想做什么。一个问题是你允许用户指定一个新的文件名,但随后不检查该文件是否存在或可写等。我在上面的评论中指出了其他一些可能的错误,例如,如果不引发类型 13 不匹配,您将无法比较PathFile = False,如果您传递不存在的文件的名称,您可能会在IsFileOpen函数中获得 53 错误文件名或数字。

摆脱fileOpened,除了作为IsFileOpen的包装器之外没有任何用途,所以只需使用IsFileOpen即可。摆脱主程序中笨拙On Error。如果需要,我们当然可以重新添加有针对性的错误处理,但我认为这不是必需的。




Option Explicit
Sub exportPDF_Click()
Dim filename$, filePath$, PathFile$
Dim fdlg As FileDialog
filename = "Book1"
filePath = "C:debug"
Dim mb As VbMsgBoxResult
If Len(filename) = 0 Then Exit Sub
PathFile = filePath & "" & filename & ".pdf"
If Not fileIsWriteable(PathFile) Then
' File is NOT writeable.
PathFile = getNewFileName(filePath)
End If
If Len(PathFile) > 0 Then
ThisWorkbook.ExportAsFixedFormat _
Type:=xlTypePDF, _
filename:=PathFile, _
Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _
IncludeDocProperties:=True, _
IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _
End If
End Sub
Function fileIsWriteable(filePath As String) As Boolean
Dim mb As VbMsgBoxResult
If existFile(filePath) Then
If IsFileOpen(filePath) Then
MsgBox filePath & "has been opened by another user!"
fileIsWriteable = False
mb = MsgBox(filePath & " already exists." & Chr(10) & "Overwrite existing file?", _
vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Existing File")
fileIsWriteable = mb = vbYes
End If
' file either doesn't exist, or exists but isn't open/locked, so we should
' be able to write to it:
fileIsWriteable = True
End If
End Function
Function getNewFileName(filePath As String) As String
Dim fn$
fn = Application.GetSaveAsFilename( _
InitialFileName:=filePath, _
FileFilter:="PDF Files (*.pdf), *.pdf", _
Title:="Select a folder and a name to save the file.")
If fn = "False" Then Exit Function
Loop While Not fileIsWriteable(fn)
getNewFileName = fn
End Function
Function existFile(rsFullPath As String) As Boolean
existFile = CBool(Len(Dir$(rsFullPath)) > 0)
End Function
Function IsFileOpen(filename As String)
' This function checks to see if a file is open or not. If the file is
' already open, it returns True. If the file is not open, it returns
' False. Otherwise, a run-time error occurs because there is
' some other problem accessing the file.
Dim filenum As Integer, errnum As Integer
On Error Resume Next   ' Turn error checking off.
filenum = FreeFile()   ' Get a free file number.
' Attempt to open the file and lock it.
Open filename For Input Lock Read As #filenum '<--- error line
Close filenum          ' Close the file.
errnum = Err           ' Save the error number that occurred.
On Error GoTo 0        ' Turn error checking back on.
' Check to see which error occurred.
Select Case errnum
' No error occurred.
' File is NOT already open by another user.
Case 0
IsFileOpen = False
' Error number for "Permission Denied."
' File is already opened by another user.
Case 70
IsFileOpen = True
' Another error occurred.
Case Else
Err.Raise errnum
End Select
End Function

