

 private static final class Node<T>      
    private T value;
    private Node<T> previous, next;
    private Node(T value, Node<T> previous, Node<T> next) // constructor
      this.value = value;
      this.previous = previous;
      this.next = next;
  private Node<T> head;         // first in the list
  private Node<T> tale;         // last in the list

public T remove(int index)   { 
      indexcontrol(index); // checks if legal index
      Node<T> q, p = null;
      if(index == 0)
          q = head;
          head = head.next;
          p = findNode(index-1); // finds the nodes value on place index
          q = p.next;
          p.next= q.next;
      if ( q== tale) tale = p;
      T value = q.value;
      q.value = null;
      q.next = null;
      return value;


public T remove (int index){
    if (index==0){
        //remove head
    }else if (index == size){
        //remove tail
    else {
        Node<T> p = null;
        Node<T> q = null;
        Node<T> r = null;
        p = findNode(index-1); // finds the nodes previous to the node that needs to be removed
        q = p.next; //q is the node you want to remove
        r = q.next; //r is the node next to the node you want to remove
        p.next = r;
        r.previous = p;
        //you can explicitly delete the node, but GC will collect anyway. 
        q.next = null;
        q.previous = null;
        T value = q.value;
        q.value = null;
        return value;



prevNode.next = origNode.next;
nextNode.prev = origNode.prev;
