如何在 Veins 2.0 下设置节点的传输范围

我想知道如何在 Veins 2.0 下正确设置节点的传输范围,我以为我做得对,但我害怕错了。

因此,我需要对 *.ini 文件中定义的参数进行一些澄清:

*.connectionManager.pMax = 24.34mW # =>>> parameters to set the max interference distance by the global manager module  
*.connectionManager.sat = -80dBm # =>>> parameters to set the max interference distance by the global manager module
*.**.nic.phy80211p.maxTXPower = 24.34mW  # =>>> what is the role of this parameter ? is it affecting the transmission range or only limiting the max TX Power ?
*.**.nic.mac80211p.txPower = 13.69mW # =>>> is it the parameter along to sensitivity that are responsible of changing transmission range ?
*.**.nic.phy80211p.sensitivity = -80dBm #for changing maximum transmission range




用于Veins 2.0的IEEE 802.11p模型。

有关静脉中传输范围概念的深入讨论,请参阅 https://stackoverflow.com/a/31079686/4707703 中的讨论。

有关计算静脉中干涉范围的深入讨论,请参阅 https://stackoverflow.com/a/31728592/4707703 中的讨论。
