在 Python 中创建一个拉丁广场程序

order = input("Input the order of a Latin Square: ")
top_left = input("Input the top-left number: ")
int_order = int(order)
int_top_left = int(top_left)
for order in range(int_order):
    for top_left in range(int_order):
        print(int_top_left, end=" ")



def create_latin_square(n: int):
    row = [i for i in range(1, n+1)]
    return [row[i:] + row[:i] for i in range(n)]

大小为 4 的正方形如下所示:

[1, 2, 3, 4]  # row
[2, 3, 4, 1]  # row, rotated by 1 to the left
[3, 4, 1, 2]  # row, rotated by 2 to the left
[4, 1, 2, 3]  # row, rotated by 3 to the left


def create_latin_square(n: int, start_el: int=1):
    row = [i for i in range(1, n+1)]
    row = row[start_el-1:] + row[:start_el-1]
    return [row[i:] + row[:i] for i in range(n)]

拉丁方块是一个NP完全问题(见 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_square#Mathematical_puzzles(,就像数独一样,只是删除了一些约束。


1. 手动状态空间搜索



2. 转换为另一个组合问题并使用现有的求解器


此问题可以表示为图形着色 - 您可以通过以下方式将其转换为图形着色问题:

  1. 中的每个字段是图形中的一个节点,正方形中的每个数字都是一种颜色。
  2. 如果两个节点位于同一行或同一列中,则它们之间存在一条边。
  3. 求解着色后,用数字替换颜色。


图形着色可以通过 CSP(约束满足规划(求解器求解,也可以直接将问题插入 CSP。


3. 使用元启发式方法



def latin_square(n, mod='ballanced'):
  import numpy as np
  mat = np.empty((n,n,))*np.nan
  mat[:,0] = range(1,n+1)
  if mod=='ballanced':
    shift = (.5-np.mod(np.array(range(1,n)),2))/.5*np.ceil(np.array(range(1,n))/2)
    shift = shift.astype(int)
  elif mod=='normal':
    shift = np.array(range(n-1, -1, -1))
  for col in range(1, n):
    mat[:, col] = np.roll(mat[:,0], shift[col-1])

array([[1., 2., 6., 3., 5., 4.],
   [2., 3., 1., 4., 6., 5.],
   [3., 4., 2., 5., 1., 6.],
   [4., 5., 3., 6., 2., 1.],
   [5., 6., 4., 1., 3., 2.],
   [6., 1., 5., 2., 4., 3.]])

您可以使用 Jacobson 和 P. Matthews 方法。

M. T. Jacobson 和 P. Matthews, 生成均匀分布 随机拉丁方块, J. 组合设计 4 (1996(, 405-437


# Highest number in square
order_of_sq = int(input("Enter order of sq: "))
# Number you want to start the square with
top_left = int(input("Enter top left number: "))
# Sets a placeholder for a variable called top_left_init
top_left_init = 0
# Sets the initial value of top_left to a new variable because the code will
# change the value of top left later on
top_left_init += top_left
# Initialize the value of count
count = 0
# Add 1 to the highest value in latin square to account for the range function
# (the ending number is always one less than the number you enter into the
# range function)
for values in range(1, order_of_sq + 1):
    # Prevents the program from adding too many characters to the line
    while count != order_of_sq:
        # Prints numbers with spaces after them in a horizontal manner
        print(top_left, sep=" ", end=" ")
        # Adds 1 to the top_left
        top_left += 1
        # Count is used to keep track of how many characters are in your line
        count += 1
        # Restarts the numbers in your line when you reach the highest number
        if top_left == order_of_sq + 1:
            top_left = 1
    # Creates a new row
    count = 0
    # Calls the initial value of top_left and adds 1 to it before beginning the
    # next row
    top_left_init += 1
    # Resets top_left_init to 1 if it reaches the highest number in the square
    if top_left_init == order_of_sq + 1:
        top_left_init = 1
        top_left = top_left_init
        top_left = top_left_init


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