来自WB WDI数据的熊猫数据帧:将年份列合并为"year"变量并合并行


country countrycode varname 1960 1961 1962
afghanistan AFG GDP 5.6 5.7 5.8
afghanistan AFG Gini .77 .78 .75
afghanistan AFG educ 8.1 8.2 8.3
afghanistan AFG pop 888 889 890
albania ALB GDP 6.6 6.7 6.8
albania ALB Gini .45 .46 .47
albania ALB educ 6.2 6.3 6.4
albania ALB pop 777 778 779

我需要一个pandas DataFrame ['GDP','基尼','edu','pop']作为列,以及['country', 'countrycode', 'year']。因此,"year"的值目前是列!我希望每个国家/年份组合只有一行。


country countrycode year GDP Gini educ pop
afghanistan AFG 1960 5.6 .77 8.1 888


In [59]: df
       country countrycode varname    1960    1961    1962
0  afghanistan         AFG     GDP    5.60    5.70    5.80
1  afghanistan         AFG    Gini    0.77    0.78    0.75
2  afghanistan         AFG    educ    8.10    8.20    8.30
3  afghanistan         AFG     pop  888.00  889.00  890.00
4      albania         ALB     GDP    6.60    6.70    6.80
5      albania         ALB    Gini    0.45    0.46    0.47
6      albania         ALB    educ    6.20    6.30    6.40
7      albania         ALB     pop  777.00  778.00  779.00
In [60]: df = df.set_index(['country', 'countrycode', 'varname'])
In [61]: df.columns.name = 'year'
In [62]: df.stack().unstack('varname')
varname                       GDP  Gini  educ  pop
country     countrycode year
afghanistan AFG         1960  5.6  0.77   8.1  888
                        1961  5.7  0.78   8.2  889
                        1962  5.8  0.75   8.3  890
albania     ALB         1960  6.6  0.45   6.2  777
                        1961  6.7  0.46   6.3  778
                        1962  6.8  0.47   6.4  779



In [13]: def f(df):
   ....:     del df['country']
   ....:     del df['countrycode']
   ....:     df = df.set_index('varname')
   ....:     df.index.name = None
   ....:     df = df.T
   ....:     df.index.name = 'year'
   ....:     return df
In [14]: df.groupby(['country', 'countrycode']).apply(f).reset_index()
       country countrycode  year  GDP  Gini  educ  pop 
0  afghanistan         AFG  1960  5.6  0.77   8.1  888 
1  afghanistan         AFG  1961  5.7  0.78   8.2  889 
2  afghanistan         AFG  1962  5.8  0.75   8.3  890 
3      albania         ALB  1960  6.6  0.45   6.2  777 
4      albania         ALB  1961  6.7  0.46   6.3  778 
5      albania         ALB  1962  6.8  0.47   6.4  779 



"Country Name":'country_name_wb',
"Country Code":'countryCode_ISO3_WB',
"Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)":'',
"Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %)":'',
"GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2005 international $)":'GDPpc',
"Firms with female participation in ownership (% of firms)":'',
"Investment in energy with private participation (current US$)":'',
"Investment in telecoms with private participation (current US$)":'',
"Investment in transport with private participation (current US$)":'',
"Investment in water and sanitation with private participation (current US$)":'',
"Labor participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15+)":'',
"Labor participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15+)":'',
"Labor participation rate, total (% of total population ages 15+)":'',
"Ratio of female to male labor participation rate (%)":'',
"Life expectancy at birth, female (years)":'',
"Life expectancy at birth, male (years)":'',
"Life expectancy at birth, total (years)":'lifeExpectancy',
"Population, total":'nat_pop',
"GINI index":'GiniWB',
} # etc etc etc 
df = dfW.set_index(['Country Name','Country Code','Indicator Name'])
del df['Indicator Code']
df.columns.name = 'year'
df=df.stack().unstack('Indicator Name')
df=df[[kk for kk,ii in WDIconversions.items() if ii and kk in df]].reset_index().rename(columns=WDIconversions)


<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 12983 entries, 0 to 12982
Data columns:
country_name_wb        12983  non-null values
countryCode_ISO3_WB    12983  non-null values
year                   12983  non-null values
GiniWB                 845  non-null values
nat_pop                12601  non-null values
GDPpc                  6292  non-null values
educPrimary            4949  non-null values
lifeExpectancy         11077  non-null values
dtypes: float64(5), object(3)
