可写位图.Windows Phone 8.1中的像素

我正在编写一个Windows Phone 8.1(WINRT)应用程序。我使用fileopenpicker从图库中选择图片,然后在我的应用程序中显示。但我希望用户在应用程序上显示之前可以裁剪此图像。

在windows phone 8中,我们使用了Photohooser任务,该任务具有自动使用的宽度属性和裁剪选项

现在我尝试使用这个:Windows Phone 8.0:矩形图像裁剪

但是Windows Phone 8.1中没有WriteableBitmap.Pixels。用什么代替WriteableBitmap.Pixels?

// Create a new WriteableBitmap. The size of the bitmap is the size of the cropping rectangle
// drawn by the user, multiplied by the image size ratio.
WB_CroppedImage = new WriteableBitmap((int)(widthRatio * Math.Abs(Point2.X - Point1.X)), (int)(heightRatio * Math.Abs(Point2.Y - Point1.Y)));
// Calculate the offset of the cropped image. This is the distance, in pixels, to the top left corner
// of the cropping rectangle, multiplied by the image size ratio.
int xoffset = (int)(((Point1.X < Point2.X) ? Point1.X : Point2.X) * widthRatio);
int yoffset = (int)(((Point1.Y < Point2.Y) ? Point1.Y : Point2.X) * heightRatio);
// Copy the pixels from the targeted region of the source image into the target image, 
// using the calculated offset
if (WB_CroppedImage.Pixels.Length > 0)
    for (int i = 0; i < WB_CroppedImage.Pixels.Length; i++)
        int x = (int)((i % WB_CroppedImage.PixelWidth) + xoffset);
        int y = (int)((i / WB_CroppedImage.PixelWidth) + yoffset);
        WB_CroppedImage.Pixels[i] = WB_CapturedImage.Pixels[y * WB_CapturedImage.PixelWidth + x];
    // Set the source of the image control to the new cropped bitmap
    FinalCroppedImage.Source = WB_CroppedImage;                              
     FinalCroppedImage.Source = null;




StorageFile destination; // your destination file
using (var sourceStream = await sourceFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read))
    BitmapDecoder bmpDecoder = await BitmapDecoder.CreateAsync(sourceStream);
    // here you scale your image if needed and crop by setting X, Y, Width and Height
    BitmapTransform bmpTransform = new BitmapTransform() { ScaledHeight = scaledHeight, ScaledWidth = scaledWidth, InterpolationMode = BitmapInterpolationMode.Cubic, Bounds = new BitmapBounds { X = topLeftX, Y = topLeftY Width = desiredSizeW, Height = desiredSizeH } };
    PixelDataProvider pixelData = await bmpDecoder.GetPixelDataAsync(BitmapPixelFormat.Rgba8, BitmapAlphaMode.Straight, bmpTransform, ExifOrientationMode.RespectExifOrientation, ColorManagementMode.DoNotColorManage);
    using (var destFileStream = await destination.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite))
        BitmapEncoder bmpEncoder = await BitmapEncoder.CreateAsync(BitmapEncoder.PngEncoderId, destFileStream);
        // here you need to set height and width - take from above
        bmpEncoder.SetPixelData(BitmapPixelFormat.Rgba8, BitmapAlphaMode.Straight, desiredSizeW, desiredSizeH, 300, 300, pixelData.DetachPixelData());
        await bmpEncoder.FlushAsync();

