

playlist.cc:192:22:错误:无法分配类型为"Song"的对象,因为其复制赋值运算符被隐式删除 *ITR = j;

//do insertion sort
for(auto itr = newSongList.begin(); itr != newSongList.end(); ++itr)
for(auto jtr=itr; jtr != newSongList.begin(); --jtr){
cout << itr->GetTitle() << " " << jtr->GetTitle() << endl;
// if s1 is not before s2 then swap them
if(!Song::CompareTitle(*itr, *jtr)){
cout << "Swap True (" << itr->GetTitle() << "," << jtr->GetTitle() << " )"<< endl;
Song i = Song(itr->GetTitle(),itr->GetArtist());
Song j = Song(jtr->GetTitle(), jtr->GetArtist());
*itr = j;
*jtr = i;
cout << "Swap After (" << jtr->GetTitle() << "," << itr->GetTitle() << endl;


#ifndef PLAYLIST_H
#define PLAYLIST_H
#include <functional>   // For std::function
#include <string>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
extern void SongCallback();
class Song {
explicit Song(const string& title, const string& artist,
const function<void()> = &SongCallback);
const string& GetTitle() const;
const string& GetArtist() const;
bool operator==(const Song& s) const;
bool operator()(const Song& s) const;
static bool CompareTitle(const Song& s1, const Song& s2);
static bool CompareArtistTitle(const Song& s1, const Song& s2);
const string title_;
const string artist_;
const function<void()> callback_;
class Playlist {
explicit Playlist() {}
void AddSong(const string& title, const string& artist);
unsigned int RemoveSongs(const string& title, const string& artist);
list<Song> PlaylistSortedByTitle() const;
list<Song> PlaylistSortedByArtistTitle() const;
unsigned int NumSongs() const;
unsigned int NumSongs(const string& artist) const;
list<Song> songs_;
#endif // PLAYLIST_H


for(auto itr = newSongList.begin(); itr != newSongList.end(); ++itr)
for(auto jtr=itr; jtr != newSongList.begin(); --jtr){
cout << itr->GetTitle() << " " << jtr->GetTitle() << endl;
// if s1 is not before s2 then swap them
if(!Song::CompareTitle(*itr, *jtr)){
swap(*itr, *jtr);




由于您有常量title_artist_参数,因此无法使用assignment operator分配和覆盖这些参数。

编译器也不会生成assignment operator。由于assignment operator的目的是在构造后更改成员,因此当其中一个成员永远无法更改时,生成隐式assignment operator是没有意义的。编译器拒绝尝试猜测您希望它执行的操作,并强迫您为自己assignment operator提供所需的语义。

我认为相反,您可以做的是使用 list::insert 和 list::erase 方法来操作列表条目,就像我在下面显示的那样,以实现您想要的结果。

for(auto itr = newSongList.begin(); itr != newSongList.end(); ++itr)
for(auto jtr=itr; jtr != newSongList.begin(); --jtr){
cout << itr->GetTitle() << " " << jtr->GetTitle() << endl;
// if s1 is not before s2 then swap them
if(!Song::CompareTitle(*itr, *jtr)){
cout << "Swap True (" << itr->GetTitle() << "," << jtr->GetTitle() << " )"<< endl;
Song i = Song(itr->GetTitle(),itr->GetArtist());
Song j = Song(jtr->GetTitle(), jtr->GetArtist());
newSongList.insert(itr, j); // extend list by inserting j song before itr song
newSongList.erase(itr);     // itr is still pointing to original song
newSongList.insert(jtr, i); // extend list by inserting i song before jtr song
newSongList.erase(jtr);     // jtr is still pointing to original song
cout << "Swap After (" << jtr->GetTitle() << "," << itr->GetTitle() << endl;

