Python3:为什么我的 else 语句激活,而不管多个 if 语句是否为真

tweet = ''
tweet = input('Enter a tweet (160 characters or less):n')
if len(tweet) <= 160:
if 'LOL' in tweet:
print('Laugh out loud')
if 'BFN' in tweet:
print('Bye for now')
if 'BRB' in tweet:
print('Be right back')
if 'IRL' in tweet:
print('In real life')
if 'FTW' in tweet:
print('For the win')
if 'LMFAO' in tweet:
print('Laugh my F**king a** off')
if 'LMAO' in tweet:
print('Laugh my a** off')
print('You didn't use any abbreviations')
elif len(tweet) == 0:
print('Wow, such empty')
elif len(tweet) > 160:
print('Your tweet is over 160 characters')

因此,例如,如果我运行此程序并输入: 哈哈

输出为: 大声笑 马上回来 您没有使用任何缩写

而我想要的该输入的输出是: 大声笑 马上回来




tweet = ''
tweet = input('Enter a tweet (160 characters or less):n')
tweet_abbrev = False
if len(tweet) <= 160:
if 'LOL' in tweet:
tweet_abbrev = True
print('Laugh out loud')
if 'BFN' in tweet:
tweet_abbrev = True
print('Bye for now')
if 'BRB' in tweet:
tweet_abbrev = True
print('Be right back')
if 'IRL' in tweet:
tweet_abbrev = True
print('In real life')
if 'FTW' in tweet:
tweet_abbrev = True
print('For the win')
if 'LMFAO' in tweet:
tweet_abbrev = True
print('Laugh my F**king a** off')
if 'LMAO' in tweet:
tweet_abbrev = True
print('Laugh my a** off')
if not tweet_abbrev:
print('You didn't use any abbreviations')
if len(tweet) == 0:
print('Wow, such empty')
elif len(tweet) > 160:
print('Your tweet is over 160 characters')



tweet = ''
tweet = input('Enter a tweet (160 characters or less):n')
if len(tweet) <= 160:
abbr_found = False
for (abbr, feedback) in [
('LOL', 'Laugh out loud'),
('BFN', 'Bye for now'),
('BRB', 'Be right back'),
('IRL', 'In real life'),
('FTW', 'For the win'),
('LMFAO', 'Laugh my F**king a** off'),
('LMAO', 'Laugh my a** off'),
if abbr in tweet:
abbr_found = True
if not abbr_found:
print('You didn't use any abbreviations')
elif len(tweet) == 0:
print('Wow, such empty')
elif len(tweet) > 160:
print('Your tweet is over 160 characters')






tweet = ''
tweet = input('Enter a tweet (160 characters or less):n')
if len(tweet) <= 160:
if 'LOL' in tweet:
print('Laugh out loud')
if 'BFN' in tweet:
print('Bye for now')
if 'BRB' in tweet:
print('Be right back')
if 'IRL' in tweet:
print('In real life')
if 'FTW' in tweet:
print('For the win')
if 'LMFAO' in tweet:
print('Laugh my F**king a** off')
if 'LMAO' in tweet:
print('Laugh my a** off')
if {Insert check to see if there are any abbreviations}:
print('You didn't use any abbreviations')
elif len(tweet) == 0:
print('Wow, such empty')
elif len(tweet) > 160:
print('Your tweet is over 160 characters')

只需将{Insert check to see if there are any abbreviations}替换为有效的支票即可。要立即试用,您可以执行if ''' in tweet:


否则只考虑最后一个 if 语句。如果您希望它考虑所有内容,请改用 elif。

编辑:在这种情况下,您的程序将在第一个 true 语句后结束。如果您想检查推文中的所有单词,请使用

words = tweet.split()

并为 for 循环中的每个单词执行代码(使用 elifs(。

跟踪满足了多少个if条件,最后,不要使用else,检查满足条件的数量是否大于 0。如果没有,则您没有使用任何缩写。



x = input("enter numbers")
# number_of_numbers = 0
valid_number = False
if "1" in x:
valid_number = True
# number_of_numbers += 1
if "2" in x:
valid_number = True
# number_of_numbers += 1
# if not number_of_numbers:
if not valid_number:
print("You didn't use any numbers")


tweet = ''
tweet = input('Enter a tweet (160 characters or less):n')
flag = 0
if len(tweet) <= 160:
if 'LOL' in tweet:
print('Laugh out loud')
flag = 1;
if 'BFN' in tweet:
print('Bye for now')
flag = 1;
if 'BRB' in tweet:
print('Be right back')
flag = 1;
if 'IRL' in tweet:
print('In real life')
flag = 1;
if 'FTW' in tweet:
print('For the win')
flag = 1;
if 'LMFAO' in tweet:
print('Laugh my F**king a** off')
flag = 1;
if 'LMAO' in tweet:
print('Laugh my a** off')
flag = 1;
elif flag==0:
print('You didn't use any abbreviations')
elif len(tweet) == 0:
print('Wow, such empty')
elif len(tweet) > 160:
print('Your tweet is over 160 characters')
