如何向亚马逊 Alexa 技能工具包 (ASK) 提供输入 混合字符串与数字

我正在尝试创建一个Amazon Alexa技能工具包来执行某种自动化,这是接受由字符串和数字组成的语音输入所必需的(a-test12fish)。

当我在Alexa技能工具包中使用自定义插槽时,它不允许我键入带有数字的字符串。当我尝试键入ask alexa, dangerZone find a-test12fish时,出现以下错误:




您可能不想在意向架构中完成此操作。 相反,请尝试在 Node 中创建自定义模式.js将字母、数字和符号编译成一个响应。 这是我对字母数字输入模式的演绎。 请注意:我只是为了回答您的问题而写的,并没有在更大的技能中对其进行测试。 话虽如此,我在MODES方面取得了巨大的成功,当我有机会时,我肯定会以自己的技能实现这一目标。

这段代码背后的想法是将用户推入一个单独的模式,忽略除NumberIntentLetterIntentSymbolIntent和一些帮助功能之外的所有意图。用户快速输入其字母数值,并在完成后激活已完成意图。 然后,该字母数字值可以在技能中的其他地方使用。 如果您尚未使用Modes请注意,在完成或退出时,您将被重定向回LOBBYMODE在那里您可以继续访问技能中的其他意图。

var lobbyHandlers = Alexa.CreateStateHandler(states.LOBBYMODE, {
    'enterPasswordIntent': function () {
      this.attributes['BUILDPASSWORD'] = '';
      this.handler.state = states.PASSWORDMODE;
      message = ` You will now create a password one letter, number or symbol at a time.  there will be no message after each entry.  simply wait for alexa's ring to become solid blue then stay your next value.  When you are satisfied say complete. Begin now by saying a number, letter, or keyboard symbol. `;
      reprompt = `Please say a number letter or symbol`;
      this.emit(':ask', message, reprompt);
    //Place other useful intents for your Skill here
    'Unhandled': function() {
        var reprompt = ` You're kind of in the middle of something.  Say exit to end createing this password.  otherwise say complete if you've stated the whole password.  or repeat to hear the current password you've entered.  `;
        this.emit(':ask', reprompt, reprompt);

var buildAlphaNumericPasswordHandlers = Alexa.CreateStateHandler(states.PASSWORDMODE, {
    'numberIntent': function () {// Sample Utterance: ninty nine  AMAZON.NUMBER
      var number = this.event.request.intent.slots.number.value; //I believe this returns a string of digits ex: '999'
      this.attributes['BUILDPASSWORD'] = this.attributes['BUILDPASSWORD'].concat(number);
      message = ``; //No message to make saying the next letter, number or symbol as fluid as possible.
      reprompt = `Please say the next number letter or symbol`;
      this.emit(':ask', message, reprompt);
    'letterIntent': function () {// Sample Utterance: A   -- Custom Slot LETTERS [A, b, c, d, e, ... ]
      var letter = this.event.request.intent.slots.letter.value;
      this.attributes['BUILDPASSWORD'] = this.attributes['BUILDPASSWORD'].concat(letter);
      message = ``; //No message to make saying the next letter, number or symbol as fluid as possible.
      reprompt = `Please say the next number letter or symbol`;
      this.emit(':ask', message, reprompt);
    'symbolIntent': function () {// Sample Utterance: Dash -- Custom Slot SYMBOLS [Pound, Dash, Dollar Sign, At, Exclamation point... ]
      var symbol = this.event.request.intent.slots.symbol.value;
      // Create a dictionary object to map words to symbols ex Dollar Sign => $.  Will need this because you likely cant put $ as a custom slot value. Can also map multiple names to the same value  ex. Dash => Tack = > "-"
      var singleCharacterSymbol = symbolDict[symbol]; //^^^ Need to create dictionary
      this.attributes['BUILDPASSWORD'] = this.attributes['BUILDPASSWORD'].concat(singleCharacterSymbol);
      message = ``; //No message to make saying the next letter, number or symbol as fluid as possible.
      reprompt = `Please say the next number letter or symbol`;
      this.emit(':ask', message, reprompt);
    'CompleteIntent': function() { //Sample Utterance: Complete
        this.handler.state = states.LOBBYMODE;
        var reprompt = ` Your entry has been saved, used to execute another function or checked against our database. `;
        this.emit(':ask', reprompt, reprompt);
    'ExitIntent': function() { //Sample Utterance: Exit
        this.handler.state = states.LOBBYMODE;
        message = `You have returned to the lobby, continue with the app or say quit to exit.`;
        this.emit(':ask', message, message);
    'RepeatIntent': function() {
        var currentPassword = this.attributes['BUILDPASSWORD'];
        var currentPasswordExploded  =  currentPassword.replace(/(.)(?=.)/g, "$1 "); //insert a space between each character so alexa reads correctly.
        var message = ` Your current entry is as follows. `+currentPasswordExploded;
        var reprompt = `  say complete if you've stated the whole password. Otherwise continue to say numbers letters and symbols. `;
        this.emit(':ask', reprompt, reprompt);
    'Unhandled': function() {
        var reprompt = ` You're kind of in the middle of something.  Say exit to end creating this password, say complete if you've stated the whole password, say repeat to hear the current password you've entered, or continue to state letters, numbers and symbols  `;
        this.emit(':ask', reprompt, reprompt);

您没有指示您希望用户如何说出该值。例如,"一个破折号测试十二条鱼"或"一个破折号t e s t one two f i s h"。 在任何情况下,识别系统旨在识别单词,并且该数据不是有效的单词。


您将需要一些工作来重新组合消息,但它不应该太复杂。 可能的挑战仍将来自识别器。虽然我还没有在 Alexa 下测试过这个场景,但我使用的大多数在可变长度的字母数字字符串上做得相当糟糕。 声音太相似了,有几个值很容易被误认为是停顿和背景噪音。典型的解决方法是使用音标。


提示用户"说 1 表示 a-test12fish",依此类推。并在内部将其映射到您的特定值。

使用 SSML,您可以在其中设计自己的发音风格。请检查。


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