MS Access 2007 VBA DAO.关系对象神秘地被取消设置。这是怎么回事?


<!-- language: lang-vb -->
Option Compare Database
Private Function get_relation() As String
  get_relation = CurrentDb.Relations(1).name
  Debug.Print "Inside get_relation() relation name is " & get_relation
' Inside get_relation() relation name is Table1Table2
  Debug.Print "Again, the name is " & CurrentDb.Relations(get_relation).name
' Again, the name is Table1Table2
End Function
Public Sub test()
  Dim R As DAO.Relation, name As String
  name = get_relation()
  Debug.Print "Outside, the name is still " & name
' Outside, the name is still Table1Table2
  Set R = CurrentDb.Relations(name)
  Debug.Print "Again, the name is " &
' At the line above it throws error!
End Sub


Inside get_relation() relation name is Table1Table2
Again, the name is Table1Table2
Outside, the name is still Table1Table2


Runtime error '3420':
Object invalid or no longer set.


Watch :   : Name : "Table1Table2" : String : Playground.test
Watch : - : CurrentDb.Relations(Name) :  : Object/Relation : Playground.test
   : Attributes : <Object invalid or no longer set.> : Long : Playground.test
   : Fields : <Object invalid or no longer set.> : Fields : Playground.test
   : ForeignTable : <Object invalid or no longer set.> : String : Playground.test
   : Name : <Object invalid or no longer set.> : String : Playground.test
   : PartialReplica : <Object invalid or no longer set.> : Boolean : Playground.test
   : Properties : <Object invalid or no longer set.> : Properties : Playground.test
   : Table : <Object invalid or no longer set.> : String : Playground.test
Watch : - : R :  : Relation/Relation : Playground.test
   : Attributes : <Object invalid or no longer set.> : Long : Playground.test
   : Fields : <Object invalid or no longer set.> : Fields : Playground.test
   : ForeignTable : <Object invalid or no longer set.> : String : Playground.test
   : Name : <Object invalid or no longer set.> : String : Playground.test
   : PartialReplica : <Object invalid or no longer set.> : Boolean : Playground.test
   : Properties : <Object invalid or no longer set.> : Properties : Playground.test
   : Table : <Object invalid or no longer set.> : String : Playground.test

所以,在某个时候我的DAO。关系 R 未设置(或者至少它的所有成员都未设置)。此外,更多的 CurrentDB.Relations("Table1Table2") 和 CurrentDB.Relations(1) 处于相同的状态(所有成员都无效或未设置)。



您使用 CurrentDb 而不是显式变量分配给 R,因此它超出了范围。而是使用:-

dim db as dao.database
set db = currentdb
dim r as dao.relation
set r = db.relations (rname)

