Chrome (v51) - 用于在表格行之间插入分页符的媒体查询 - 仅限横向

我有一个无法修改的大型 HTML 表格,如果方向仅为横向,我想在打印时在每行后放置分页符。


此代码在 Firefox 46.0 下按预期工作,但在 Chrome 51 下则完全无法正常工作。

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>CSS print media query test</title>
body {
    font-family: arial,sans;
table {
    margin: 0 auto;
table tr {
    height: 500px;
    vertical-align: top;
table td {
    border: 1px solid #23ffff;
    background-color: #edffff;
    padding: 15px;
    cell-spacing: 5px;
@media print and (orientation:landscape) {
    table tr {
        page-break-after: always !important;
<td>$i is 1 and $j is 1</td>
<td>$i is 1 and $j is 2</td>
<td>$i is 1 and $j is 3</td>
<td>$i is 1 and $j is 4</td>
<td>$i is 2 and $j is 1</td>
<td>$i is 2 and $j is 2</td>
<td>$i is 2 and $j is 3</td>
<td>$i is 2 and $j is 4</td>
<td>$i is 3 and $j is 1</td>
<td>$i is 3 and $j is 2</td>
<td>$i is 3 and $j is 3</td>
<td>$i is 3 and $j is 4</td>
<td>$i is 4 and $j is 1</td>
<td>$i is 4 and $j is 2</td>
<td>$i is 4 and $j is 3</td>
<td>$i is 4 and $j is 4</td>

这是一个测试页面,我通常不会将 CSS 放在标签中。

CSS 分页符属性仅适用于块级元素。添加display: block并根据需要调整间距。

@media print and (orientation:landscape) {
    table tr {
        display: block;
        page-break-after: always;
