是否有人有使用.projects ArcGIS geometry class?
的经验,我正在创建一个点shapefile。这些点正在从文本文件中读取为WGS1984 lat/long (EPSG 4326)
,我想将其投影到OSGB (EPSG: 27700)
with open(nmealist,'r') as srcFile:
with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(OutShp, ["SHAPE@", "SHAPE@X", "SHAPE@Y", "SHAPE@Z"]) as InsCur:
for fileLine in srcFile:
# split the line up into a list
lSplit = fileLine.split(",")
if len(lSplit) == 1:
lSplit = fileLine.split(",")
if len(lSplit) > 1:
# more than just one word on the line
pointsOK = True
FILENAME = str(lSplit[0])
DOS = yymmdd
TIME = str(lSplit[1])
EASTING = float(lSplit[3])
NORTHING = float(lSplit[2])
HEIGHT = float(lSplit[4])
HEADING = float(lSplit[5])
IVA = float(lSplit[6])
FLIGHTID = sortie
arcpy.AddWarning("Unable to translate points")
pointsOK = False
if pointsOK:
newGeom.SpatialReference = srwgs1984 # set spatial reference
# create a point geometry from the 3 coordinates - EASTING, NORTHING, HEIGHT
newGeom = arcpy.PointGeometry(arcpy.Point(EASTING,NORTHING,HEIGHT))
# project point into OSGB
projectedpoint = newGeom.projectAs(srosgb)
InsCur.insertRow([projectedpoint, EASTING, NORTHING, HEIGHT])# insert this point into the feature class
在inscur.inserstrow指令中(最后一行)您通过原始的速度,北方,高度(没有投影),以" shape@x",shape@y为" shape@x"," shape@z"属性。
因此,尝试仅使用" shape@"属性来启动插入器:
arcpy.da.InsertCursor(OutShp, ["SHAPE@"])