mySQL 5.5-将值透视到使用UNION链接的两个表之后的列




PN    AAA  q    AAA c   BBB q   BBB c   CCC q   CCC c
A1                      2       1       
RRR             1                               1
T1     1        1               
HHH    3                                3   


Select pn,
max(case when src = 'h'  and loc_id = 'AAA' then val else 0 end) as AAA_qty,
max(case when src = 'r'  and loc_id = 'AAA' then val else 0 end) as AAA_count,
max(case when src = 'h'  and loc_id = 'BBB' then val else 0 end) as BBB_qty,
max(case when src = 'r'  and loc_id = 'BBB' then val else 0 end) as BBB_count,
max(case when src = 'h'  and loc_id = 'CCC' then val else 0 end) as CCC_qty,
max(case when src = 'r'  and loc_id = 'CCC' then val else 0 end) as CCC_count 
from (select 'h' as src, pn, loc_id, sum(qty) val from history group by src,pn,loc_id 
select 'r' as src, pn, loc_id, count(*) val from rota group by src,pn,loc_id
) s 
group by pn
order by pn;


set @sql = (
select concat( 
'Select pn,',
concat('max(case when src = ' ,char(39),'h',char(39),'  and loc_id = ', char(39),loc_id,char(39), ' then val else 0 end) as ' , 
'max(case when src = ' ,char(39),'r',char(39),'  and loc_id = ', char(39),loc_id,char(39), ' then val else 0 end) as ' , 
,' from ('
'select ', char(39),'h',char(39),' as src, pn, loc_id, sum(qty) val from history group by src,pn,loc_id'
' union '
'select ',char(39),'r',char(39),' as src, pn, loc_id, count(*) val from rota group by src,pn,loc_id
) s 
group by pn
order by pn;'

select  loc_id from history
select loc_id from rota
) a
prepare sqlstmt from @sql;
execute sqlstmt;
deallocate prepare sqlstmt;
| pn  | AAA_qty | AAA_count | BBB_qty | BBB_count | CCC_qty | CCC_count |
| A1  |       0 |         0 |       2 |         1 |       0 |         0 |
| HHH |       0 |         0 |       0 |         0 |       3 |         0 |
| RRR |       0 |         0 |       0 |         0 |       0 |         1 |
| T1  |       1 |         1 |       0 |         0 |       0 |         0 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

