从 Azure Cloud Function 调用 CosmosDB 服务器

我正在开发一个Azure云函数(在节点js上运行(,它应该从我的Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB API帐户返回文档集合。

当我在本地生成和启动函数时,一切正常,但在将其部署到 Azure 时失败。这是错误:MongoNetwork错误: 无法在第一次连接时连接到服务器 [++++.mongo.cosmos.azure.com:++++] ...




import * as mongoClient from 'mongodb';
import { cosmosConnectionStrings } from './credentials';
import { Context } from '@azure/functions';
// The MongoDB Node.js 3.0 driver requires encoding special characters in the Cosmos DB password. 
const config = {
url: cosmosConnectionStrings.primary_connection_string_v1,
dbName: "****"
export async function createConnection(context: Context): Promise<any> {
let db: mongoClient.Db;
let connection: any;
try {
connection = await mongoClient.connect(config.url, {
useNewUrlParser: true,
ssl: true
context.log('Do we have a connection? ', connection.isConnected());
if (connection.isConnected()) {
db = connection.db(config.dbName);
context.log('Connected to: ', db.databaseName);
} catch (error) {
context.log('Something went wrong');
return {

2. 主函数 执行查询并返回集合的主函数

const httpTrigger: AzureFunction = async function (context: Context, req: HttpRequest): Promise<void> {
context.log('Get all projects function processed a request.');
try {
const { db, connection } = await createConnection(context);
if (db) {
const projects = db.collection('projects')
const res = await projects.find({})
const body = await res.toArray()
context.log('Response projects: ', body);
context.res = {
status: 200,
} else {
context.res = {
status: 400,
body: 'Could not connect to database'
} catch (error) {
context.res = {
status: 400,
body: 'Internal server error'

我再次查看了防火墙和专用网络设置,并阅读了有关配置 IP 防火墙的官方文档。默认情况下,本地机器的当前IP地址会添加到IP白名单中。这就是该函数在本地工作的原因。


  • 将"允许从以下位置访问所有网络"设置为"所有网络

  • 将云函数项目的入站和出方向 IP 地址添加到白名单
    如果 IP 地址随时间变化,这可能会具有挑战性。如果您在消费计划中,这可能会发生。

  • 如果从不
  • 访问 Azure Cosmos DB 帐户的服务,请检查"例外"部分中的"接受来自公共 Azure 数据中心内的连接"选项

    提供静态 IP(例如,Azure 流分析和 Azure 函数(,您仍然可以使用 IP 防火墙来限制访问。您可以 通过选择 接受来自 Azure 数据中心内的连接选项。

    This option configures the firewall to allow all requests from Azure, including requests from the subscriptions of other customers deployed in Azure. The list of IPs allowed by this option is wide, so it limits the effectiveness of a firewall policy. Use this option only if your requests don’t originate from static IPs or subnets in virtual networks. Choosing this option automatically allows access from the Azure portal because the Azure portal is deployed in Azure.
