在javascript中更改粒子if is winter


var today = new Date();
var tDate = today.getDate();
var tMonth = today.getMonth();
var startingDate = new Date();
var sDate = startingDate.setDate(1);
var sMonth = startingDate.setMonth(10);
var endingDate = new Date();
var eDate = endingDate.setDate(21);
var eMonth = endingDate.setMonth(2);
if (tMonth >= sMonth && tMonth <= eMonth) {
if (tDate >= sDate && tDate <= eDate) {
particlesJS.load('particles', '../../Content/Scripts/particles/particles-config-winter.json');
else {
particlesJS.load('particles', '../../Content/Scripts/particles/particles-config.json');



function isWinter(dt) {
const m = dt.getMonth();
return m == 11 ? dt.getDate() >= 21 : m == 2 ? dt.getDate() < 21 : m < 2;


if (isWinter(new Date())) {  /*....*/ }




  • 如果月份是12月(11(,则在该月的日期至少为21时返回true,否则返回false:这就是dt.getDate() >= 21的计算结果(true或false(
  • 否则,如果月份是三月(2(,则当该月的日期小于21时返回true,否则返回false:与上述原理相同,但相反
  • 否则,当月份在三月之前时返回true(<2(,否则返回false:这就是m < 2的计算结果



function isWinter(date){
date.year(moment().year()); //Normalize year.
let winterStart = moment('21-12', 'DD-MM');
let winterEnd = moment('21-03', 'DD-MM');
return !date.isBetween(winterEnd, winterStart, 'day')
let today = moment('20-12', 'DD-MM');
alert(isWinter(today)); //false
today = moment('21-12', 'DD-MM');
alert(isWinter(today)); //true
today = moment('21-03', 'DD-MM');
alert(isWinter(today)); //true
today = moment('22-03', 'DD-MM');
alert(isWinter(today)); //false
today = moment('22-03-2019', 'DD-MM-YYYY');
alert(isWinter(today)); //false
today = moment('21-03-2019', 'DD-MM-YYYY');
alert(isWinter(today)); //true
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.22.2/moment.min.js"></script>


var today = new Date();
var tDate = today.getDate();
var tMonth = today.getMonth();
var startingDate = new Date();
// This sets the date to the first of the month, and sets sDate to a number
// that is the time value of the adjusted date
var sDate = startingDate.setDate(1);
// This sets the month to November and sMonth to the adjusted time value
var sMonth = startingDate.setMonth(10);
var endingDate = new Date();
// As above, this sets endingDate to 21 March and sets eDate and eMonth to numbers
var eDate = endingDate.setDate(21);
var eMonth = endingDate.setMonth(2);
// This will never be true after 1970-01-01 as you're comparing a months to a time values
if (tMonth >= sMonth && tMonth <= eMonth) {
if (tDate >= sDate && tDate <= eDate) {



function isWinter(date = new Date()) {
var start = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 2, 21);
var end = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 11, 21);
return date > start && date < end;
[new Date(2018, 0, 1), //  1 Jan 2018, winter
new Date(2018, 2,21), // 21 Mar 2018, winter
new Date(2018, 5, 1), //  1 Jun 2018, not winter
new Date(2018,11,21), // 21 Dec 2018, winter
new Date()            // Today ...
].forEach(d => console.log(`${d} is ${isWinter(d)?'not ':''}winter`));
