我刚刚按照安装过程在 Sonar 1.8 中安装了 SCM 活动插件 4.5。Subversion在安装Sonar的服务器上也可用。我正在使用ANT目标开始声纳分析。
但是,一旦我启动 jenkins 1.532 作业来运行 Sonar 指标,我就有以下输出控制台:
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:07.778 INFO - Execute Findbugs 2.0.3 done: 947 ms
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:07.779 INFO - Sensor FindbugsSensor done: 948 ms
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:07.779 INFO - Sensor InitialOpenIssuesSensor...
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.426 INFO - Sensor InitialOpenIssuesSensor done: 647 ms
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.427 INFO - Sensor ProjectLinksSensor...
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.428 INFO - Sensor ProjectLinksSensor done: 1 ms
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.428 INFO - Sensor VersionEventsSensor...
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.431 INFO - Sensor VersionEventsSensor done: 3 ms
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.432 INFO - Sensor FileHashSensor...
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.432 INFO - Sensor FileHashSensor done: 0 ms
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.432 INFO - Sensor SurefireSensor...
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.432 INFO - parsing /export/bld/monetbld/jenkins/workspace/MONET Sonar Build/monet-web/.sonar/org.codehaus.sonar_Monet_monet-repricing/build/surefire-reports
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.432 WARN - Reports path not found: /export/bld/monetbld/jenkins/workspace/MONET Sonar Build/monet-web/.sonar/org.codehaus.sonar_Monet_monet-repricing/build/surefire-reports
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.432 INFO - Sensor SurefireSensor done: 0 ms
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.432 INFO - Sensor ScmActivitySensor...
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.432 INFO - Trying to guess scm provider from project layout...
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.432 INFO - Found SCM type: svn
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.433 INFO - Retrieve SCM blame information with encoding UTF-8...
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.467 INFO - Retrieve SCM blame information with encoding UTF-8 done: 34 ms
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.467 INFO - Sensor ScmActivitySensor done: 35 ms
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.468 INFO - Sensor CPD Sensor (wrapped)...
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.468 INFO - JavaCpdEngine is used for java
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.469 INFO - Cross-project analysis disabled
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.482 INFO - Sensor CPD Sensor (wrapped) done: 14 ms
[sonar:sonar] 17:52:08.611 INFO - Execute decorators...
它说责备信息是从 svn 检索的,但我仍然无法在声纳上看到它。行表示未找到报告路径。这会影响吗?
从 SonarQube 4.5 开始,您需要在组件查看器上打开 SCM 修饰才能查看 SCM 信息。请参阅有关 SCM 选项卡的文档。
责备信息在SonarQube中默认不显示。您必须单击SCM图标正上方的蓝色栏才能切换责备信息。见 http://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SONAR/SCM+Information+tab