

__global__ void bitonicSortShared(
    float2 *d_P_out,
    float2 *d_P_in,
    uint arrayLength,
    uint dir,
    uint xy 
{//here gives the Error 2
    //Shared memory storage for one or more short vectors
    __shared__ float2 s_key[SHARED_SIZE_LIMIT];
    //Offset to the beginning of subbatch and load data
    d_P_in  += blockIdx.x * SHARED_SIZE_LIMIT + threadIdx.x;
    d_P_out += blockIdx.x * SHARED_SIZE_LIMIT + threadIdx.x;
    s_key[threadIdx.x +                       0] = d_P_in[                      0];
    s_key[threadIdx.x + (SHARED_SIZE_LIMIT / 2)] = d_P_in[(SHARED_SIZE_LIMIT / 2)];
    for (uint size = 2; size < arrayLength; size <<= 1){
        //Bitonic merge
        uint ddd = dir ^ ((threadIdx.x & (size / 2)) != 0);
        for (uint stride = size / 2; stride > 0; stride >>= 1) {
            uint pos = 2 * threadIdx.x - (threadIdx.x & (stride - 1));
            Comparator( s_key[pos +  0], s_key[pos + stride], ddd, xy );
    //ddd == dir for the last bitonic merge step
        for (uint stride = arrayLength / 2; stride > 0; stride >>= 1) {
            uint pos = 2 * threadIdx.x - (threadIdx.x & (stride - 1));
            Comparator( s_key[pos +  0], s_key[pos + stride], dir, xy );
    __syncthreads();// here gives the Error 3 and so on
    d_P_out[                      0] = s_key[threadIdx.x +                       0];
    d_P_out[(SHARED_SIZE_LIMIT / 2)] = s_key[threadIdx.x + (SHARED_SIZE_LIMIT / 2)];


__device__ inline void Comparator(
    float2 &keyA,
    float2 &keyB,
    uint dir,
    uint xy )
    float2 t;
    if (xy == 0){
        if ((keyA.x > keyB.x) == dir) {
            t = keyA;
            keyA = keyB;
            keyB = t;
    } // I MISSED THAT and the error was reported in the other .cu file. :|
        if ((keyA.y > keyB.y) == dir) {
            t = keyA;
            keyA = keyB;
            keyB = t;


Error   2   error : expected a ";"  E:...bitonicSort.cu    27
Error   4   error : explicit type is missing ("int" assumed)    E:...bitonicSort.cu    56
Error   5   error : cannot overload functions distinguished by return type alone    E:...bitonicSort.cu    56
Error   6   error : the size of an array must be greater than zero  E:...bitonicSort.cu    57
Error   7   error : identifier "s_key" is undefined E:...bitonicSort.cu    57
Error   8   error : this declaration has no storage class or type specifier E:...bitonicSort.cu    58
Error   9   error : variable "d_P_out" has already been defined E:...bitonicSort.cu    58
Error   10  error : initialization with "{...}" expected for aggregate object   E:...bitonicSort.cu    58
Error   11  error : expected a declaration  E:...bitonicSort.cu    59
Error   13  error : expected a declaration  E:...bitonicSort.cu    98
Error   14  error : explicit type is missing ("int" assumed) E:...bitonicSort.cu   105




            keyB = t;
}   // add this curly close-brace
