
当我执行"从表"中选择 *时,我得到了下面的结果:

 ID    Date         Time        Type
 60    03/03/2013   8:55:00 AM   1                      
 60    03/03/2013   2:10:00 PM   2                                                  
 110   17/03/2013   9:15:00 AM   1                          
 67    24/03/2013   9:00:00 AM   1                          
 67    24/03/2013   3:05:00 PM   2

您看到每个ID在同一日期具有1型交易类型1和2除了ID 110只有类型1


ID   Date        Time        Type
110  17/03/2013  9:15:00 AM  1                          


根据您的需要更改分区定义(partition by id,date

select  *
from   (select  t.*
               ,count(*) over (partition by id,date) as cnt
        from    mytable t
        ) t
where   t.cnt = 1


select * from my_table t
where exists (
select 1 from my_table
where id = t.id
group by id
having count(*) = 1


select t.*
from (select t.*, min(type) over (partition by id) as mintype,
             max(type) over (partition by id) as maxtype
     from t
    ) t
where mintype = maxtype and mintype = 1;

如果仅想要相同类型的记录(而不是专门的type = 1),请删除该条件。

如果您只想在同一天记录,则在partition by中包括日期。

在某些情况下,not exists可以更快:

select t.*
from t
where not exists (select 1 from t t2 where t2.id = t.id and t2.type <> 1);
