Zend / ZF2 / TableGateway mysql_insert_id replacement?


我想知道是否有一种类似于mysql_insert_id的方法可以获取最后一个插入行的自动递增 id。

谷歌搜索,我找到了一些答案,指向DB-Adapter的lastInsertId(),但是,这种方法似乎在ZF2中不再可用。另外:insert 方法的返回值是返回布尔值,而不是 ZF1 中的最后一个 id。


有没有更好/推荐的方法来获取 ID?

table_1 {
    id: integer, primary key, autoincremented
    content: text
table_2 {
    table_1_id: integer
    other_content: text
// using mysql
$sql = "INSERT INTO table_1 (content) VALUES ('some text')";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
// check omitted
$id = mysql_insert_id();
$sql = "INSERT INTO table_2 (table_1_id, other_content) VALUES ($id, 'other text')";
$result = mysql_query($sql);

// using Zend - this is the code, I am currently using
// get_last_insert_id emulation; works only if content is unique
private function getLastInsertId($tableGateway, $content) {
    $entries = $tableGateway->select(array('content' => $content));
    foreach ($entries as $entry) {
        return $entry->id;
    return null;
// another option: get highest ID, must be the last inserted
private function getLastInsertId($tableGateway) {
    // needs a method like 'getRowWithHighestId'
// ...
table_1_entry = new Table1Entry('some text');
// using the workaround:
$id = getLastInsertId($tableGateway, $table_1_entry->content);
// there MUST be some Zend method to get this last id.
table_1_entry = new Table1Entry('other text', $id);

使用魔法属性$tableGateway->lastInsertValue获取 Id

$id = $tableGateway->lastInsertValue;


$this->lastInsertValue = $this->adapter->getDriver()->getConnection()->getLastGeneratedValue();
`enter code here  `$data_add=array(
                'line_1'        =>  $Data1->line_1,
                'line_2'        =>  $Data1->line_2,
                'line_3'        =>  $Data1->line_3,
                'city_id'       =>  $Data1->city_id,
                'state_id'      =>  $Data1->state_id,
                'country_id'    =>  1,
                'is_active'     =>  '1',
            $adapter = $this->tableGateway->getAdapter();
            $otherTable = new TableGateway('address', $adapter);
            $lastInsertValue= $adapter->getDriver()->getConnection()->getLastGeneratedValue();
            print_r('lastInsertId1 :'.$lastInsertValue);
