
我有一个包含新闻文章的大数据框架。我注意到有些文章中有两个单词用一个点连接,下面的例子显示了The government.said it was important to quit.。我将进行一些主题建模,所以我需要将每个单词分开。


#String example
test <- c("i need.to separate the words connected by dots. however, I need.to keep having the dots separating sentences")
#Code to separate the words
test <- do.call(paste, as.list(strsplit(test, "\.")[[1]]))
#This is what I get
> test
[1] "i need to separate the words connected by dots  however, I need to keep having the dots separating sentences"


"i need to separate the words connected by dots. however, I need to keep having the dots separating sentences"




test <- c("i need.to separate the words connected by dots. however, I need.to keep having the dots separating sentences. Look at http://google.com for s.0.m.e more details.")
# Replace each dot that is in between word characters
gsub("\b\.\b", " ", test, perl=TRUE)
# Replace each dot that is in between letters
gsub("(?<=\p{L})\.(?=\p{L})", " ", test, perl=TRUE)
# Replace each dot that is in between word characters, but no in URLs
gsub("(?:ht|f)tps?://\S*(*SKIP)(*F)|\b\.\b", " ", test, perl=TRUE)



[1] "i need to separate the words connected by dots. however, I need to keep having the dots separating sentences. Look at http://google com for s 0 m e more details."
[1] "i need to separate the words connected by dots. however, I need to keep having the dots separating sentences. Look at http://google com for s.0.m e more details."
[1] "i need to separate the words connected by dots. however, I need to keep having the dots separating sentences. Look at http://google.com for s 0 m e more details."


  • b.b-用单词边界括起来的点(即.之前和之后不能是任何非单词字符,除了字母、数字或下划线之外不能有任何字符
  • (?<=p{L}).(?=p{L})匹配一个前后都没有字母的点((?<=p{L})是负向后看,(?=p{L})是负向前看(
  • (?:ht|f)tps?://\S*(*SKIP)(*F)|b.b匹配http/ftphttps/ftps,然后是://,然后是任何0个或多个非空白字符,并跳过匹配,继续从遇到SKIP PCRE动词时的位置搜索匹配
