使用 Terraform、Chef 或 Powershell 以编程方式设置 EBS 卷 Windows 驱动器号

我正在使用terraform和chef来创建多个aws ebs卷并将它们附加到EC2实例。

问题是我希望能够为每个 ebs 卷提供一个特定的 Windows 驱动器号。问题是当EC2实例实例化窗口时,只是给它顺序驱动器号(D,E,F等)



我确实看到了使用 EC2Config Windows GUI 来设置它们的参考,但重点是自动化该过程,因为最终我希望 chef 安装 SQL Server,并且某些数据预计会在某些驱动器号上传输。

这似乎有效 - 尽管我确实想知道是否有更简单的方法。

function Convert-SCSITargetIdToDeviceName
If ($SCSITargetId -eq 0) {
return "/dev/sda1"
$deviceName = "xvd"
If ($SCSITargetId -gt 25) {
$deviceName += [char](0x60 + [int]($SCSITargetId / 26))
$deviceName += [char](0x61 + $SCSITargetId % 26)
return $deviceName
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_DiskDrive | ForEach-Object {
$DiskDrive = $_
$Volumes = Get-WmiObject -Query "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID='$($DiskDrive.DeviceID)'} WHERE AssocClass=Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition" | ForEach-Object {
$DiskPartition = $_
Get-WmiObject -Query "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID='$($DiskPartition.DeviceID)'} WHERE AssocClass=Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition"
If ($DiskDrive.PNPDeviceID -like "*PROD_PVDISK*") {
$BlockDeviceName = Convert-SCSITargetIdToDeviceName($DiskDrive.SCSITargetId)
If ($BlockDeviceName -eq "xvdf") { $drive = gwmi win32_volume -Filter "DriveLetter = '$($Volumes.DeviceID)'"; Set-WmiInstance -input $drive -Arguments @{DriveLetter="D:"; Label="SQL Data"} };
If ($BlockDeviceName -eq "xvdg") { $drive = gwmi win32_volume -Filter "DriveLetter = '$($Volumes.DeviceID)'"; Set-WmiInstance -input $drive -Arguments @{DriveLetter="L:"; Label="SQL Logs"} };
If ($BlockDeviceName -eq "xvdh") { $drive = gwmi win32_volume -Filter "DriveLetter = '$($Volumes.DeviceID)'"; Set-WmiInstance -input $drive -Arguments @{DriveLetter="R:"; Label="Report Data"} };
If ($BlockDeviceName -eq "xvdi") { $drive = gwmi win32_volume -Filter "DriveLetter = '$($Volumes.DeviceID)'"; Set-WmiInstance -input $drive -Arguments @{DriveLetter="T:"; Label="Temp DB"} };
If ($BlockDeviceName -eq "xvdj") { $drive = gwmi win32_volume -Filter "DriveLetter = '$($Volumes.DeviceID)'"; Set-WmiInstance -input $drive -Arguments @{DriveLetter="M:"; Label="MSDTC"} };
If ($BlockDeviceName -eq "xvdk") { $drive = gwmi win32_volume -Filter "DriveLetter = '$($Volumes.DeviceID)'"; Set-WmiInstance -input $drive -Arguments @{DriveLetter="B:"; Label="Backups"} };
} ElseIf ($DiskDrive.PNPDeviceID -like "*PROD_AMAZON_EC2_NVME*") {
$BlockDeviceName = Get-EC2InstanceMetadata "meta-data/block-device-mapping/ephemeral$($DiskDrive.SCSIPort - 2)"
If ($BlockDeviceName -eq "xvdf") { $drive = gwmi win32_volume -Filter "DriveLetter = '$($Volumes.DeviceID)'"; Set-WmiInstance -input $drive -Arguments @{DriveLetter="D:"; Label="SQL Data"} };
If ($BlockDeviceName -eq "xvdg") { $drive = gwmi win32_volume -Filter "DriveLetter = '$($Volumes.DeviceID)'"; Set-WmiInstance -input $drive -Arguments @{DriveLetter="L:"; Label="SQL Logs"} };
If ($BlockDeviceName -eq "xvdh") { $drive = gwmi win32_volume -Filter "DriveLetter = '$($Volumes.DeviceID)'"; Set-WmiInstance -input $drive -Arguments @{DriveLetter="R:"; Label="Report Data"} };
If ($BlockDeviceName -eq "xvdi") { $drive = gwmi win32_volume -Filter "DriveLetter = '$($Volumes.DeviceID)'"; Set-WmiInstance -input $drive -Arguments @{DriveLetter="T:"; Label="Temp DB"} };
If ($BlockDeviceName -eq "xvdj") { $drive = gwmi win32_volume -Filter "DriveLetter = '$($Volumes.DeviceID)'"; Set-WmiInstance -input $drive -Arguments @{DriveLetter="M:"; Label="MSDTC"} };
If ($BlockDeviceName -eq "xvdk") { $drive = gwmi win32_volume -Filter "DriveLetter = '$($Volumes.DeviceID)'"; Set-WmiInstance -input $drive -Arguments @{DriveLetter="B:"; Label="Backups"} };
} Else {
write-host "Couldn't find disks";

> 我需要一台具有 4 个相同大小的驱动器的 Windows Server 2016,但我不在乎哪个块设备变成了哪个驱动器号。以下是我(使用Packer)获取此内容的步骤:

首先,在模板的构建器区域中,根据需要添加任意数量的块设备(在我的情况下 -launch_block_device_mapping下的 4 个条目)。然后,在预配器列表中运行以下命令:

  1. 使用任何Windows 2016 Amazon实例上可用的脚本初始化磁盘;这将使每个磁盘联机,向其添加分区,将分区扩展到最大可能的大小,格式化分区并为其分配Windows驱动器号。

    "type": "powershell",        
    "inline": [



    驱动器号按字母顺序分配,从 D 开始(因为 C 是为根驱动器保留的)。

    卷附加到实例的顺序与块储存设备名称无关,并且不会有一对一的对应关系(xvdb 不会变成D:\驱动器,xvdc不会变成E:\,等等)

  2. 将所需的标签分配给已初始化磁盘的每个驱动器号。

    "type": "powershell",
    "inline": [
    "write-output "Label partitions after initializing disks"",
    "label C: "OS"",
    "label D: "Programs"",
    "label E: "Data"",
    "label F: "Backup"",

    注意:另一个可能的选择是在运行磁盘初始化脚本之前直接在DriveLetterMapping.json文件(可在任何 Windows 2016 Amazon AMI 上使用)中添加标签(我无法完成此操作)。

  3. 添加可能需要的任何其他配置程序(例如,激活 Windows 组件、安装应用程序或检查 Windows 更新)后,作为配置程序列表中的最后一个条目,请确保添加了实例初始化和 SysPrep 脚本

    "type": "powershell",
    "inline": [
    "C:/ProgramData/Amazon/EC2-Windows/Launch/Scripts/InitializeInstance.ps1 -Schedule",
    "C:/ProgramData/Amazon/EC2-Windows/Launch/Scripts/SysprepInstance.ps1 -NoShutdown"

    注意:最后一步特定于 EC2Launch,从 Windows 2016 开始适用。对于旧版本(如Windows 2012),语法有所不同,它基于EC2Config。

从此配置获取 AMI 后,从该配置启动的任何实例的驱动器号都应符合要求。

如果驱动器号及其标签未按预期映射,您还可以尝试使用实例的用户数据强制重新标记驱动器。在启动它之前,可以轻松地将 powershell 脚本作为明文传递;下面只是一个可能的例子:

write-output "Force re-map of drive letters based on labels, after disk initialization"
# remove drive letters, but keep labels
Get-Volume -Drive D | Get-Partition | Remove-PartitionAccessPath -accesspath "D`:"
Get-Volume -Drive E | Get-Partition | Remove-PartitionAccessPath -accesspath "E`:"
Get-Volume -Drive F | Get-Partition | Remove-PartitionAccessPath -accesspath "F`:"
# add drive letters based on labels
get-volume | where filesystemlabel -match "Programs" | Get-Partition | Set-Partition -NewDriveLetter D
get-volume | where filesystemlabel -match "Data" | Get-Partition | Set-Partition -NewDriveLetter E
get-volume | where filesystemlabel -match "Backup" | Get-Partition | Set-Partition -NewDriveLetter F

如果您考虑此链接中的表格: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/WindowsGuide/ec2-windows-volumes.html

您可以看到,在 EBS 上,第一行是:

Bus Number 0, Target ID 0, LUN 0 /dev/sda1
Bus Number 0, Target ID 1, LUN 0 xvdb

EC2 始终将磁盘 0 (/dev/sda1) 设置为 C:

所以你知道当你运行"New-Partition -DiskNumber1-UseMaximumSize -IsActive -AssignDriveLetter"时,你会得到D:给它。

因此,如果您在构建器中使用以下卷(在本例中只有两个卷,但您可以执行许多卷)使用 Packer 预置 AMI 映像:

"launch_block_device_mappings": [{
"device_name": "/dev/sda1",
"volume_size": 30,
"volume_type": "gp2",
"delete_on_termination": true
"device_name": "xvdb",
"volume_size": 30,
"volume_type": "gp2",
"delete_on_termination": true    

..你可以计划,知道 xvd[b] 实际上是将要映射的内容后面的两个字母。

然后使用 Terraform 启动此多卷 AMI 的 EC2 实例,并将其放在aws_instance资源的user_data部分中:

user_data = <<EOF
Initialize-Disk -Number 1 -PartitionStyle "MBR"
New-Partition -DiskNumber 1 -UseMaximumSize -IsActive -AssignDriveLetter
Format-Volume -DriveLetter d -Confirm:$FALSE
Set-Partition -DriveLetter D -NewDriveLetter S

Set-Partition -DriveLetter D -NewDriveLetter S行是用于将已知顺序驱动器重命名为习惯的任何字母的行。 就我而言,他们希望 D: 作为 S: - 只需重复这一行即可将 E: 重命名为 X: 或任何您需要的名称。


更新:还有另一种方法(Server 2016 up),当我发现 Sysprep 将所有映射烘焙到 AMI 映像中时,我发现了这种方法。

您必须在 C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Config 中提供一个 DriveLetterMappingConfig.json 文件才能进行映射。文件的格式为:

"driveLetterMapping": [
"volumeName": "sample volume",
"driveLetter": "H"

。只是,默认情况下,我的驱动器没有卷名;他们是空白的。所以回到 1980 年代的老式"LABEL"命令。已将 D: 驱动器标记为卷 2。所以文件看起来像:

"driveLetterMapping": [
"volumeName": "volume2",
"driveLetter": "S"

运行 C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Scripts\InitializeDisks.ps1 测试了这个工作(D: 变成了 S:)

所以现在,回到Packer,我还需要使用C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Config中的DriveLetterMappingConfig.json文件配置映像,以确保我在AMI的S:上所做的所有驱动器工作在实例上恢复为S:。(我将文件与我们将要安装在盒子上的所有其他垃圾一起放入 S3 存储桶中。

我将磁盘内容放入 .ps1 并从配置器调用它:

{ "类型": "Powershell", "脚本": "./setup_two_drive_names_c_and_s.ps1">

其中上述 .ps1 是:

# Do volume config of the two drives
write-host "Setting up drives..."
Initialize-Disk -Number 1 -PartitionStyle "MBR"
New-Partition -DiskNumber 1 -UseMaximumSize -IsActive -AssignDriveLetter
Format-Volume -DriveLetter d -Confirm:$FALSE
label c: "volume1"
label d: "volume2"
Set-Partition -DriveLetter D -NewDriveLetter S
# Now insert DriveLetterMappingConfig.json file into C:ProgramDataAmazonEC2-WindowsLaunchConfig to ensure instance starts with correct drive mappings
Write-Host "S3 Download: DriveLetterMappingConfig.json"
Read-S3Object -BucketName ********* -Key DriveLetterMappingConfig.json -File 'c:tempDriveLetterMappingConfig.json'
Write-Host "Copying DriveLetterMappingConfig.json to C:ProgramDataAmazonEC2-WindowsLaunchConfig..."
Copy-Item "c:tempDriveLetterMappingConfig.json" -Destination "C:ProgramDataAmazonEC2-WindowsLaunchConfigDriveLetterMappingConfig.json" -Force
Write-Host "Set Initialze Disks to run on every boot..."
C:ProgramDataAmazonEC2-WindowsLaunchScriptsInitializeDisks.ps1 -Schedule

是的,没有理由给 C 贴上标签:但我在滚动...



  1. 用"DriveLetter"标记每个卷,并评估要分配的内容。不带":">
  2. 在 IAM 中为 EC2 实例授予"ec2:描述标签"和"ec2:描述卷"权限
  3. 运行以下脚本,方法是将其传递到用户数据中,或者创建一个 ssm 文档并在启动后运行它
Get-Disk|where-Object IsSystem -eq $False|Foreach-Object {
if ( $_.PartitionStyle -Eq 'RAW') {
Initialize-Disk -Number $_.Number –PartitionStyle MBR
Set-Disk -Number $_.Number -IsOffline $False
$VolumeId=$_.SerialNumber -replace "_[^ ]*$" -replace "vol", "vol-"
$InstanceId = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -UseBasicParsing).Content
$DriveLetter = Get-EC2Volume -Filter @{Name="volume-id";Values=$VolumeId},@{Name="attachment.instance-id";Values=$instanceId}  |ForEach-Object {$_.Tags}|where Key -eq "DriveLetter"|Select-Object -Property Value |foreach-Object {$_.Value}
New-Partition -DiskNumber $_.Number -DriveLetter $DriveLetter –UseMaximumSize
Format-Volume -DriveLetter $DriveLetter

<</div> div class="one_answers">在 AWS Windows Server 2016 及更高版本上,您可以使用 userdata 中的以下行在 EC2 创建期间初始化辅助卷


更多信息在这里 :


  • 为什么在启动新的 EC2 Windows Server 2016 实例时看不到我的辅助卷?

  • EC2启动 v2 设置

上面的 AWS 脚本将磁盘初始化为仅 MBR 类型 。(我们不能用MBR类型扩展卷>2TB)

我的用例是初始化 GPT 类型卷。

所以我最终将以下脚本传递给用户数据并将其发送到保存在 C 驱动器中的文件 (我已经提到了Manpreet Nehras的建议来框架用户脚本 https://stackoverflow.com/a/61530894/8227788)

$disks = Get-Disk|where-Object  partitionstyle -eq 'RAW' 
foreach ($diski in $disks) {
Initialize-Disk -Number $diski.Number
Set-Disk -Number $diski.Number -IsOffline $False
$VolumeId=$diski.SerialNumber -replace "_[^ ]*$" -replace "vol", "vol-"
$InstanceId = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -UseBasicParsing).Content
$DriveLetter = (Get-EC2Tag -Filter @{Name="resource-type";Value="volume"},@{Name="resource-id";Value=$VolumeId} | where-object Key -eq "driveletter").value
New-Partition -DiskNumber $diski.Number -DriveLetter $DriveLetter –UseMaximumSize
Format-Volume -DriveLetter $DriveLetter
Start-Sleep -s 120
$initializescript | Out-File C:initializescript.ps1
Start-Sleep -s 30  
Then, I called the above script through AWS SSM by creating and associating it with instance . Below is the code

resource "aws_ssm_association" "initialize" {
count = length(var.ec2_name)
name        = var.ssm_document_name
targets {
key    = "InstanceIds"
values = [element(aws_instance.ec2server[*].id, count.index)]

resource "aws_ssm_document" "InitializeDrives" {
name          = "initializedriveswindows"
document_type = "Command"
content = <<DOC
"schemaVersion": "2.2",
"description": "Run command to initialize drives",
"parameters": {
"Message": {
"type": "String",
"description": "Run command to initialize drives",
"default": "Run command to initialize drives"
"mainSteps": [
"action": "aws:runPowerShellScript",
"name": "powershell",
"inputs": {
"runCommand": [
"Restart-Computer -Force"
} ```
I have included sleep time to avoid race issues.

首先,我们强制执行一个安装约定,该约定仅声明 对于非根卷 对设备使用 xvdDRIVE 约定,其中 DRIVE 与要装载到的驱动器号相同

xvdd - D:
xvde - E:
xvdm = M:


format the volumes .. with the drive letter or some other convention you like
we run diskpart with an input file.. but basically
format fs=ntfs label=D quick

然后我们更新 DriveletterConfig.xml 或 DriveLetterConfig.json(取决于 ec2config 或 ec2launch)

for xml looks like:
<Mapping> <VolumeName>D</VolumeName> <DriveLetter>D:</DriveLetter></Mapping>
<Mapping> <VolumeName>E</VolumeName> <DriveLetter>E:</DriveLetter> </Mapping>
<Mapping> <VolumeName>M</VolumeName> <DriveLetter>M:</DriveLetter> </Mapping>  


  • 没有找到相关文章
