
我正在使用 MyBatis 和 h2 数据库进行学习。当我想在查询的父对象内插入子对象时,我遇到了问题,然后我遇到了异常。


public class Student {
  private Long id;
  private String name;
  private Index index;
  public Student(Long id, String name, Index index) {
    this.id = id;
    this.name = name;
    this.index = index;
// getters and setters..


public class Index {
  private Long id;
  private String number;
  public Index() { }
  public Index(Long id, String number) {
    this.id = id;
    this.number = number;
// getters and setters..


public interface StudentRepo {
  @Select("SELECT * FROM student WHERE id=#{id}")
  Student findById(long id);
                 // exception occurs for index field, which is my child object
  @Insert("INSERT INTO student VALUES(#{id}, #{name}, #{index})")
  int insert(Student student);


public interface IndexRepo {
  @Select("SELECT * FROM index WHERE id =#{id}")
  Index findById(long id);
  @Insert("INSERT INTO index VALUES(#{id}, #{number})")
  int insert(Index index);


Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Type handler was null on parameter mapping for property 'index'. It was either not specified and/or could not be found for the javaType (com.example.batis.domain.Index) : jdbcType (null) combination.

发生错误是因为您没有指示 mybatis 如何将 Index 类型的对象转换为存储在student表中的值(我假设Index的 id(。


@Insert("INSERT INTO student VALUES(#{id}, #{name}, #{index.id})")
int insert(Student student);

正如 ave 提到的,我不得不在索引旁边放置字段,所以工作代码是

public interface StudentRepo {
  @Select("SELECT * FROM student WHERE id=#{id}")
  Student findById(long id);
  @Insert("INSERT INTO student VALUES(#{id}, #{name}, #{index.id})")
  int insert(Student student);
