

Class    Confidence     Xmin       Ymin     Xmax      Ymax
6        0.9917297      62         0        81        76
1        0.99119675     0          41       8         83
9        0.8642462      23         31       46        98
4        0.8287333      22         30       45        95


1        0.99119675     0          41       8         83
4        0.8287333      22         30       45        95
9        0.8642462      23         31       46        98
6        0.9917297      62         0        81        76


from collections import defaultdict
import os
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(r'F:GGRprocess'):  # this recurses into subdirectories as well
    for f in files:
        maxima = defaultdict(int)
            with open(os.path.join(root,f)) as ifh:
                for line in ifh:
                    key, value = line.rsplit(None, 1)
                    value = int(value)
                    if value > maxima[key]:
                        maxima[key] = value
            with open(os.path.join(root, f'{f}.out'), 'w') as ofh:
                for key in sorted(maxima):
                    ofh.write('{} {}n'.format(key, maxima[key]))
        except ValueError:
            # if you have other files in your dir, you might get this error because they
            # do not conform to the structure of your "needed" files - skip those
            print(f, "Error converting value to int:", value)


1 0.99119675  0  41  8   83
4 0.8287333  22  30  45  95
6 0.9917297  62  0   81   76
9 0.8642462  23  31  46  98



for key in sorted(maxima):

这意味着,如果您的密钥是6, 1, 9, 4,它们将成为1, 4, 6, 9,这是恰好 它们在您显示的输出中显示的顺序。您想要的是读取和输出以添加的顺序。,如果您使用的是Python3.6及更大,请删除sorted和输出将按添加数据的顺序打印。

如果您使用的是较早版本的Python3,则需要一个容器,该容器可以跟踪添加键和值的顺序,sorted的删除。那就是使maxima成为OrderedDict(这是来自collections软件包(,将将键打印到for key in maxima的for循环。
