C# 生成具有使用者备用名称的自签名证书?

我们有一个生成自签名证书的应用程序,但现在在Chrome 58中,我们需要添加主题备用名称。 证书是使用 C# 生成的,但在 win32 中调用 CertCreateSelfSignCertificate 函数。 到目前为止,我找到的所有示例都没有传递扩展参数,并且我发现很难创建一个扩展来传递以生成 SAN。


dwAltNameChoice = AlternativeNameType.Dns, // 3
Name = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni("")
IntPtr entryBlob Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY)));
var pvStructInfo = new CERT_ALT_NAME_INFO { cAltEntry = 1, rgAltEntry = entryBlob };
IntPtr pvEncoded = IntPtr.Zero;
int pcbEncoded = 0;
var status = InvokeMethods.CryptEncodeObjectEx(
CertEncodingType.X509_ASN_ENCODING | CertEncodingType.PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING,  // 1 | 0x10000
new IntPtr(12),
ref pvStructInfo,
EncodeObjectFlags.CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG, // 0x8000
ref pvEncoded,
ref pcbEncoded);
if (!status)
throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
var extension = new CERT_EXTENSION
ExtensionOid = OidSubjectAltName, //
IsCritical = false,
Length = (uint)pcbEncoded,
Data = pvEncoded
var result = new CertExtensions
cExtension = 1,
rgExtension = extension


internal struct CertExtensions
public uint cExtension;
public CERT_EXTENSION rgExtension;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
internal struct CRYPTOAPI_BLOB
public uint Length;
public IntPtr Data;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
internal class CERT_EXTENSION
public string ExtensionOid;
public bool IsCritical;
public CRYPTOAPI_BLOB Value;
internal struct CERT_ALT_NAME_INFO
/// DWORD->unsigned int
public uint cAltEntry;
public IntPtr rgAltEntry;
internal struct CERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY
public AlternativeNameType dwAltNameChoice;
public IntPtr Name;

完整代码 - 从我找到的几个例子中拼凑而成

private static CertExtensions CreateExtensions(IList<CERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY> items)
IntPtr itemBlob = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(items.Count * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY)));
for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
var offset = (IntPtr)((long)itemBlob + i * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY)));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(items[i], offset, false);
var pvStructInfo = new CERT_ALT_NAME_INFO { cAltEntry = (uint)items.Count, rgAltEntry = itemBlob };
IntPtr pvEncoded = IntPtr.Zero;
int pcbEncoded = 0;
var status = InvokeMethods.CryptEncodeObjectEx(
CertEncodingType.X509_ASN_ENCODING | CertEncodingType.PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING,
new IntPtr(12),
ref pvStructInfo,
ref pvEncoded,
ref pcbEncoded);

if (!status)
throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
var extension = new CERT_EXTENSION
ExtensionOid = OidSubjectAltName,
IsCritical = false,
Length = (uint)pcbEncoded,
Data = pvEncoded
var result = new CertExtensions
cExtension = 1,
rgExtension = extension
return result;

好吧,这将是 C#/C++ 互操作的地狱,如果不了解指针、结构和类 C 数组在C++中的工作原理以及 marshalong 如何在互操作中工作,就很难理解。

您错误地定义了CERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY结构。它在C++定义中使用了union。将联合转换为 C# 时,它们必须与联合中的最大结构大小(即CRYPTOAPI_BLOB个字节,即 8 个字节)并加上其他字段大小对齐:8 + 4 = 12 个字节。您的结构签名只有 8 个字节。





using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace TestApp {
static class Wincrypt {
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct CRYPTOAPI_BLOB {
public UInt32 cbData;
public IntPtr pbData;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]    
public struct CERT_EXTENSION {
public String pszObjId;
public Boolean fCritical;
public CRYPTOAPI_BLOB Value;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct CERT_EXTENSIONS {
public UInt32 cExtension;
public IntPtr rgExtension;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct CERT_ALT_NAME_INFO {
public UInt32 cAltEntry;
public IntPtr rgAltEntry;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct CERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY {
public UInt32 dwAltNameChoice;
// since there is no direct translation from C-like unions in C#
// make additional struct to represent union options.
// create mapping to dwAltNameChoice
public const UInt32 CERT_ALT_NAME_OTHER_NAME = 1;
public const UInt32 CERT_ALT_NAME_RFC822_NAME = 2;
public const UInt32 CERT_ALT_NAME_DNS_NAME = 3;
public const UInt32 CERT_ALT_NAME_X400_ADDRESS = 4;
public const UInt32 CERT_ALT_NAME_DIRECTORY_NAME = 5;
public const UInt32 CERT_ALT_NAME_EDI_PARTY_NAME = 6;
public const UInt32 CERT_ALT_NAME_URL = 7;
public const UInt32 CERT_ALT_NAME_IP_ADDRESS = 8;
public const UInt32 CERT_ALT_NAME_REGISTERED_ID = 9;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct CERT_ALT_NAME_UNION {
public IntPtr pOtherName;
public IntPtr pwszRfc822Name;
public IntPtr pwszDNSName;
public CRYPTOAPI_BLOB DirectoryName;
public IntPtr pwszURL;
public IntPtr IPAddress;
public IntPtr pszRegisteredID;
// not really used in this scenario, but is necessary when want to add
// UPN alt name, for example.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct CERT_OTHER_NAME {
public String pszObjId;
public CRYPTOAPI_BLOB Value;


using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace TestApp {
static class Crypt32 {
[DllImport("Crypt32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern Boolean CryptEncodeObject(
[In] UInt32 CertEncodingType,
[In] UInt32 lpszStructType,
[In, Out]ref Wincrypt.CERT_ALT_NAME_INFO pvStructInfo,
[Out] Byte[] pbEncoded,
[In, Out] ref UInt32 cbEncoded);


using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace TestApp {
class Program {
static void Main(String[] args) {
// suppose we want to add three alternative DNS names to SAN extension
String[] dnsNames = { "contoso.com", "www.contoso.com", "mail.contoso.com" };
// calculate size of CERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY structure. Since it is C-like
// struct, use Marshal.SizeOf(), not C# sizeof().
var altEntrySize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Wincrypt.CERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY));
// create CERT_ALT_NAME_INFO structure and set initial data:
// cAltEntry -- number of alt names in the extension
// rgAltEntry -- starting pointer in unmanaged memory to an array of alt names
// the size is calculated as: CERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY size * alt name count
var altInfo = new Wincrypt.CERT_ALT_NAME_INFO {
cAltEntry = (UInt32)dnsNames.Length,
rgAltEntry = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(altEntrySize * dnsNames.Length)
// now create CERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY for each alt name and copy structure to
// a pointer allocated in altInfo structure with a shift.
// Create a loop to save some coding
for (Int32 i = 0; i < dnsNames.Length; i++) {
var altEntry = new Wincrypt.CERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY {
dwAltNameChoice = Wincrypt.CERT_ALT_NAME_DNS_NAME,
// use Uni, because the pwszDNSName is defined as LPWStr (unicode)
Value = { pwszDNSName = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(dnsNames[i]) },
// copy alt name entry to altInfo.rgAltEntry at the specified index.
// In unmanaged memory you have to calculate shift based on managed
// index and structure size
Marshal.StructureToPtr(altEntry, altInfo.rgAltEntry + i * altEntrySize, false);
// encode CERT_ALT_NAME_INFO to ASN.1 DER byte array
UInt32 pcbEncoded = 0;
if (Crypt32.CryptEncodeObject(1, 12, ref altInfo, null, ref pcbEncoded)) {
Byte[] encodedSANvalue = new Byte[pcbEncoded];
Crypt32.CryptEncodeObject(1, 12, ref altInfo, encodedSANvalue, ref pcbEncoded);
// create certificate extension array:
var extensions = new Wincrypt.CERT_EXTENSIONS {
cExtension = 1,
rgExtension = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Wincrypt.CERT_EXTENSION)))
// create SAN extension:
var san = new Wincrypt.CERT_EXTENSION {
fCritical = false,
pszObjId = "",
Value = { cbData = (UInt32)encodedSANvalue.Length, pbData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(encodedSANvalue.Length) }
// copy SAN bytes to SAN extension:
Marshal.Copy(encodedSANvalue,0,san.Value.pbData, encodedSANvalue.Length);
// copy CERT_EXTENSION structure to extensions:
Marshal.StructureToPtr(san, extensions.rgExtension, false);
// use 'extensions' variable in CertCreateSelfSignCertificate call.
} else {
throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());


