我们正在将数据库的后端移动到访问SQL Server,并请求如何在SQL Server中实现一个我们以前使用的用户定义的功能在访问中。(或者,如果我们对我们正在做的事情有更直接的解决方案,那就是使用比我熟悉的更复杂的SQL语句,那也很好。(
SELECT StaffLine(Docket, Lead, Reviewer) AS OfficeStaff, Docket, FiledDate, Lead, Reviewer, Status, [a lot of other fields]
FROM tCases
WHERE Status = 1;
Office Staff: John Doe (lead), Bob Jones, Billy Bob, Pat Jones, Jane Doe (reviewer)
我们希望在SQL Server中实现一个函数。我在下面粘贴了我们的员工功能。我已经研究了如何在我们的SQL Server Management Studio中使用可编程性构建用户定义的功能,但是我还没有找到足够有意义的文档。因此,对在管理工作室中实施该功能的任何帮助以及我确切地提出的任何帮助。
Public Function StaffLine(Docket As String, _
Lead As Variant, _
Reviewer As Variant _
) As String
' Lead and Reviewer are Variants because they are sometimes Null, and String can't handle Nulls.
' Start off building string by adding text for Lead
StaffLine = "Office Staff: " & Lead & " (lead), "
' Next add text for any non-lead team members
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT MemberName FROM tMembers WHERE mDocket = '" & Docket & "'")
' Check to see if the recordset actually contains rows
If Not (rs.EOF And rs.BOF) Then
Do Until rs.EOF = True
StaffLine = StaffLine & rs!MemberName & ", "
'Move to the next record.
End If
' Finally, add text for reviewer
StaffLine = StaffLine & Reviewer & " (reviewer)"
End Function
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[StaffLine](@Docket varchar(max), @Lead Varchar(max) = null, @Reviewer Varchar(Max) = null) RETURNS varChar(max)
Declare @StaffLine as varChar(max) = ''
Declare @Temp TABLE (ID int identity, MemberName varchar(100))
Declare @row_count as int = 1
Declare @total_records as int
--Fill hte table to loop
Insert Into @Temp
SELECT MemberName
FROM tMembers WHERE mDocket = @Docket
Set @StaffLine = 'Office Staff: ' + ISNULL(@Lead, '') + ' (lead), '
Set @total_records = (Select Count(*) from @Temp) -- Get total records to loop
While @row_count <= @total_records
Set @StaffLine += (Select MemberName + ', '
From @Temp Where ID = @row_count)
Set @row_count += 1
SET @StaffLine += ISNULL(@Reviewer, '') + ' (reviewer)'
RETURN @StaffLine
SELECT dbo.StaffLine(Docket, Lead, Reviewer) AS OfficeStaff, Docket, FiledDate, Lead, Reviewer, Status, [a lot of other fields]
FROM tCases
WHERE Status = 1;
这是这样做的" sql方式"。
SELECT Docket, 'Office Staff : ' || COALESCE(C.Lead || ' (lead),','') ||
STRING_AGG(M.MemberName,', ') ||
C.Reviewer || '(reviewer)' as OfficeStaff
FROM tCases C
JOIN tMembers M ON M.mDocket = C.Docket
GROUP BY C.Docket, C.Lead, C.Reviewer
在SQL中,此视图的作用就像函数或地图 - 它定义了如何为所有案卷编号制作员工字符串。
在SQL中,我们喜欢在集合中工作 - 在SQL中,我们永远不应该用循环迭代,循环是邪恶的!
SELECT Staff_String.OfficeStaff, Docket, FiledDate, Lead, Reviewer, Status, [a lot of other fields]
FROM tCases
LEFT JOIN Staff_string ON tCases.Docket = Staff_string.Docket
WHERE tCases.Status = 1;
TAD DA!简单。
declare @tCases table (
tCasesID int identity(1,1) not null primary key clustered
, docketID int not null
, staffID int not null
, GivenName nvarchar(255) not null
, SurName nvarchar(255) not null
, Role_ nvarchar(255) not null
insert into @tCases (docketID, staffID, GivenName, SurName, Role_)
select 1, 100, 'bob', 'richards', 'reviewer' union all
select 1, 110, 'john', 'doe', 'lead' union all
select 1, 112, 'jane', 'doe', 'reviewer';
declare @tMember table (
tMemberID int identity(1,1) not null primary key clustered
, docketID int not null
, staffID int not null
, GivenName nvarchar(255) not null
, SurName nvarchar(255) not null
insert into @tMember (docketID, staffID, GivenName, SurName)
select 1, 133, 'Mary', 'Jones' union all
select 1, 134, 'Tom', 'Jones' union all
select 1, 105, 'Jimmy', 'Jon' union all
select 1, 109, 'Marsha', 'Marsha';
;with cte as (
select docketid
, GivenName
, SurName
from @tCases
union all
select docketid
, GivenName
, SurName
from @tMember
select distinct a.docketID
, x.list
from @tCases a
cross apply (
select stuff
(select ', ' +GivenName + ' ' + SurName
from cte b
where a.docketid = b.docketid
for xml path ('')
) , 1, 1, '') as list ) as x
docketID list
1 bob richards, john doe, jane doe, Mary Jones, Tom Jones, Jimmy Jon, Marsha Marsha