壁虎:我正在使用壁虎进行优化,但我的 CAD 模型参数. 我的变量是相互依赖的.当我解决它时,它会出错

# import the gekko optimization package
from gekko import GEKKO
# create gekko model
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
# Constants
E   = m.Const( 200000 )
by  = m.Const( 1 )
phi = m.Const( 3.1456/2 )
F   = m.Const( 5 )
# initialize needed variables
b       = m.Var(value = 0.8 )
l       = m.Var(value = 0.5 )
L       = m.Var(value = 4 )
I       = m.Var()
K       = m.Var()
theta   = m.Var()
a       = m.Var()
h       = m.Var( )
S_max   = m.Var()

# Define the equation,       
m.Equation( theta  ==   m.asin(by/(L+(l/2))) ) 

m.Equation( a      == l/2 + (L + l/2)*m.cos(theta) ) 
m.Equation( K      == ( F*(L + l/2)*m.sin(phi-theta))/ theta )
m.Equation( I      == (K*l)/E )

m.Equation( h      == ( (12*I)/b) )

m.Equation(S_max   == F*a*(h/2)/I ) 
# Constrains 
m. Equation(S_max <= 4000)

# Define objective function
m.Obj( h )

# Set mode to steady state optimization (solution is not changing in time) 
m.options.IMODE = 3 
# Print result
print('h: ' + str(h.value)) 

壁虎:我正在使用壁虎进行优化,但我的 CAD 模型参数。 我的变量是相互依赖的。当我解决它时,它会出错。如何解决 代码给出错误

异常回溯(最近一次调用( 最后( 在 52 m.options.IMODE = 3 53 ---> 54 m.solve(( 55 56 # 打印结果

C:\users\Rahdar\AppData\local\programs\python\python37\lib\site-packages\Gekko\gekko.py in solve(self, disp, debug, GUI, **kwargs( 2057
print("Error:", errs( 2058 if (debug>= 1( 和 record_error: -> 2059 引发异常 (apm_error( 2060 2061 其他:在 APM 服务器上 #solve



# import the gekko optimization package
from gekko import GEKKO
# create gekko model
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
# Constants
E   = m.Const( 200000 )
by  = m.Const( 1 )
phi = m.Const( 3.1456/2 )
F   = m.Const( 5 )
# initialize needed variables
b       = m.Var(value = 0.8 )
l       = m.Var(value = 0.5 )
L       = m.Var(value = 4 )
I       = m.Var()
K       = m.Var()
theta   = m.Var()
a       = m.Var()
h       = m.Var()
S_max   = m.Var()
# Define the equation,       
m.Equation( m.sin(theta)  == by/(L+(l/2))) 
m.Equation( a      == l/2 + (L + l/2)*m.cos(theta) ) 
m.Equation( K * theta == ( F*(L + l/2)*m.sin(phi-theta)))
m.Equation( I      == (K*l)/E )           
m.Equation( h * b     == 12*I)
m.Equation(S_max * I == F*a*(h/2) ) 
# Constraints 
m. Equation(S_max <= 4000)
# Define objective function
m.Obj( h ) 
# Set mode to steady state optimization (solution is not changing in time) 
m.options.IMODE = 3 
# Print result
print('h: ' + str(h.value)) 

