不同的 SQL - 返回单行


Column A   Column B
1           XX
2           XX
3           XX
4           XX

如何仅使用ColumnB而不使用ColumnA来显示1 条记录。 就像我应该说的

select from Table T where ColumnB ='XX'

并且只应返回1 行


select * from Table T where ColumnB ='XX' 
and rownum = 1;

此查询仅返回结果集中的第一行。这是获得一排的最便宜的方式。结果是不确定的,因为没有排序顺序,也不可能有:rownum与 ORDER BY 配合不好,这就是为什么你不在乎哪一行返回很重要的原因。


with t(colA,ColB) as
select 1,'XX' from dual union all
select 2,'XX' from dual union all
select 3,'XX' from dual union all
select 4,'XX' from dual    
select ColB 
from t
where ColumnB = 'XX' and rownum = 1;

select ColB from
with t(colA,ColB) as
select 1,'XX' from dual union all
select 2,'XX' from dual union all
select 3,'XX' from dual union all
select 4,'XX' from dual    
select ColB,
row_number() over (order by ColB) as rn
from t
where ColumnB = 'XX' and rn=1;


with t(colA,ColB) as
select 1,'XX' from dual union all
select 2,'XX' from dual union all
select 3,'XX' from dual union all
select 4,'XX' from dual    
select ColB 
from t
where ColumnB ='XX'
fetch {first|next} 1 {row|rows} only;



select from Table T where ColumnB ='XX' group by ColunmB


SQL> with test (a, b) as
2  (select 1, 'xx' from dual union all
3   select 2, 'xx' from dual union all
4   select 3, 'yy' from dual
5  )
6  select min(a) a, min(b) b
7  from test
8  where b = 'xx';
---------- --
1 xx



从 A tale_name中选择a.column_name 其中 ROWID 在 ( 选择"从以下位置清除" ( 选择 ROWID RID,ROW_NUMBER(( 结束(按 a.column_name 按 ROWID 排序( RN 从 table_name a 哪里column_name (从diff_table_name中选择TO_CHAR(column_name( ( 其中 RN = 1