

type Position       = (Float, Float)
type Velocity       = (Float, Float)
type Size           = Float
type Speed          = Float
type Drag           = Float
type Life           = Int
type Particle       = (Position, Velocity, Speed, Drag, Life, Size)
-- timeHandler is called every frame by the gloss ‘Play’ function. It's being passed
-- the delta time and the world it needs to update.
timeHandler dt world = world {rndGen = mkStdGen (timer world),
                              timer  = (timer world) + 1,
                              stars  = spawnParticle world (rndGen world) : updateParticles (stars world) dt world}
randomFloat :: StdGen -> Float -> Float -> Float
randomFloat rand min max = fst $ randomR (min, max) rand
spawnParticle :: World -> StdGen -> Particle
spawnParticle world gen = ((pos, (1 * speed, 0), speed, 1, 0, size), snd (split gen))
where pos   = (px', py')
      px'   = randomFloat gen (-600) (-500)
      py'   = randomFloat gen (-250) 250
      speed = size * (randomFloat gen 100 300) -- the smaller a particle, the slower 
      size  = randomFloat gen 0.1 1.3
updateParticles :: [Particle] -> Float -> World -> [Particle]
updateParticles []     _  _     = []
updateParticles (x:xs) dt world | fst(posPart x) > 500 = updateParticles xs dt world
                                | otherwise            = updatedPart : updateParticles xs dt world
    where pos'        = updateParticlePosition dt x world
          updatedPart = (pos', velPart x, speedPart x, 1, 0, sizePart x)



这与光泽无关,只是与纯随机数生成的语义有关。每次用新的种子重新初始化一个新的生成器时,不会给你伪随机数,因为随机性只来自于这样一个事实,即由randomRsplit创建的新生成器将具有与原始非常不同的种子。你只需有map mkStdGen [0..],因为你只需在每一步将1添加到timer


map (fst . randomR (1,1000) . mkStdGen) [0..1000]
take 1000 $ randomRs (1,1000) (mkStdGen 123)



timeHandler dt world = 
  let (newRndGen, g) = split (rndGen world) in 
   world { rndGen = newRndGen 
         , timer  = (timer world) + 1 , 
         , stars  = spawnParticle world g : updateParticles (stars world) dt world

请注意,现在没有使用timer,并且无论如何使用timer = timer world + dt可能更有意义(时间增量可能不完全相等)。


timeHandler dt world = 
  let (newRndGen:g0:g1:g2:_) = unfoldr (Just . split) (rndGen world) in 
   world { rndGen = newRndGen 
         , timer  = (timer world) + 1 , 
         , stars  = spawnParticle world g0 : updateParticles (stars world) dt world
         , stuff0 = randomStuff0 g1 , stuff1 = randomStuff1 g2 }
