对 int 字段的查询查找行,对字符字段的查询不查找行,c# oledb

使用 C# 和 OleDB 连接到 Access 数据库。


"select * from stock_head where sh_id = 19;"
"select * from stock_head where sh_lineno = 32059";
"select * from stock_head where sh_ref='#007705';";

第一个和第二个检索行,每种情况下的字段都是整数,最后一个不是,它是一个 char 字段,并且该行确实存在:

ExecuteQuery - select * from stock_head where sh_lineno = 32059
ID 7705, #007705, 32059, NS, 'NO SALE', 04/02/2017 14:29:00
1 row(s) found
ExecuteQuery - select * from stock_head where sh_ref='#007705';
0 row(s) found

通过 C# 和 OleDB 查询字符字段有什么奇怪的吗? 我尝试使用"like"而不是"=",以及单引号和双引号来分隔值,但都无济于事。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Linq;
namespace OleDbTest
class Program
static void Main( string[] args )
// Create Profile File object
ProcessEJFile EJP = new ProcessEJFile(
"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" +
@"Data Source=E:UserssallywDocumentsBar.accdb;" +
"Persist Security Info=False;");
//// Get last reference from the Stock Header file
//object retVal = EJP.ExecuteScalar(
//    @"SELECT max(stock_head.[sh_ref]) FROM stock_head where sh_ref like ""[#]%"";", null);
//string maxRef = retVal.ToString();
//Console.WriteLine( "maxRef = {0}", maxRef );
// Get the actual row
string query =
// @"select * from stock_head where sh_ref = '{0}';";
//"select * from stock_head where sh_id = 19;";
"select * from stock_head where sh_lineno = 32059";
List<StockHead> shlist = EJP.GetStockHead(query, null );
if ( shlist == null )
Console.WriteLine( "shlist is null" );
foreach (StockHead sh in shlist )
Console.WriteLine( sh.ToString() );
Console.WriteLine( "{0} row(s) found", shlist.Count());
query =
// @"select * from stock_head where sh_ref = '{0}';";
"select * from stock_head where sh_ref='#007705';";
List<StockHead> shlist1 = EJP.GetStockHead(query, null );
if ( shlist1 == null )
Console.WriteLine( "shlist1 is null" );
foreach ( StockHead sh in shlist1 )
Console.WriteLine( sh.ToString() );
Console.WriteLine( "{0} row(s) found", shlist1.Count() );
class ProcessEJFile
AccessDatabase Accdb = null;
public ProcessEJFile( string connectionString )
Accdb = new AccessDatabase( connectionString );
public List<StockHead> GetStockHead( string sql, params object[] args )
DataTable t;
Accdb.ExecuteQuery( out t, sql, args );
if ( t != null )
List<StockHead> shlist = new List<StockHead>();
foreach ( DataRow r in t.Rows )
StockHead sh = new StockHead( r);
shlist.Add( sh );
return shlist;
return null;
// Get a single value - MAX, COUNT etc.
public Object ExecuteScalar( string sql, params object[] args )
return Accdb.ExecuteScalar( sql, args );

class AccessDatabase
public OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection();
public AccessDatabase( string connection )
conn.ConnectionString = connection;
public bool OpenDatabase()
catch ( Exception ex )
return false;
return true;
public void CloseDatabase()
if ( conn == null )
public void ExecuteQuery( out DataTable dataTable, string sql, params object[] args )
dataTable = new DataTable();
string query;
// Simplified version not validating or cleaning arguments in any way
if ( args == null )
query = sql;
query = string.Format( sql, args );
Console.WriteLine( "nExecuteQuery - {0}", query );
if ( OpenDatabase() )
OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand( query, conn );
OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter( command );
adapter.Fill( dataTable );
public object ExecuteScalar( string sql, params object[] args )
Object returnValue = null;
string query = sql;
if ( OpenDatabase() )
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand( query, (OleDbConnection)conn);
returnValue = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
return returnValue;
class StockHead
public int sh_id;
public string sh_ref;
public int sh_lineno = 0;
public string sh_type;
public string sh_supplier = "";
public DateTime sh_datetime;
public StockHead( DataRow row )
this.sh_id = (int)row[ "sh_id" ];
this.sh_ref = (string)row[ "sh_ref" ];
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( row[ "sh_lineno" ].ToString() ) )
this.sh_lineno = (int)row[ "sh_lineno" ];
this.sh_type = (string)row[ "sh_type" ];
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( row[ "sh_lineno" ].ToString() ) )
this.sh_supplier = (string)row[ "sh_supplier" ];
this.sh_datetime = (DateTime)row[ "sh_datetime" ];
public override string ToString()
return String.Format( "ID {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, '{4}', {5}",
this.sh_id, this.sh_ref, this.sh_lineno, this.sh_type, this.sh_supplier, this.sh_datetime );


您的查询没有错。此操作失败,因为您尝试在每次执行查询时通过在执行查询中调用 OpenDatabase 来打开与数据库的连接。第二次 OpenDatabase 失败,因为数据库已打开且查询未执行。


The connection was not closed. The connection's current state is open.



public bool OpenDatabase()
if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
return true;

如果您捕获了一个错误,则对它执行除返回 False 之外的操作
