使用jQuerydate上的Ajax更改,将Form Collection的“重新加载”在BeginForm内部进行

我的剃须刀 PendingBillsByWeekView具有一个形式/型号,带有- DatePicker (m => m.date)&Table data


  1. 如何重新加载该日期的表单数据
  2. BeginForm中的AJAX按钮或链接是正确的方式吗?还是i 需要使用Ajax.BeginForm?我还希望在datepicker中设置新日期。

@model Models.BillsModel
@using (Html.BeginForm())
 <h3>Bills Table, please select Date Below</h3>
 <div id="dates">
    //Is label Correct or should I use Input/TextBox??
    // HOW to submit this data change as AJAX and Reload the Form?
    <label id="DATEPICKER_BILLS">Bills Date: @Html.EditorFor(model => model.StartDate)</label>
 </div >
 <div id="TaBle_Bills">
    // Table Bills records I want to reload, how to refresh this form
 </div >
<input type="submit" class="btn blue" name="ReviewedBillsButton" value="Save Draft" />


public ActionResult UpdateDateFilters(DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd = null)
   if (dateEnd == null) dateEnd = dateStart.AddDays(2);
   if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
         return PartialView( "_Partial", bModel );
        DateTime start = DateTime.ParseExact(dateStart.Substring(0,10), "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        DateTime end = DateTime.ParseExact(dateEnd.Substring(0, 10), "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        BillsModel bModel = BillFilterd(start, end);
        return View(bModel); // 
 [HttpPost] //Save on Submit
 public ActionResult PendingBillsByWeekView(BillsModel model)
  // the startdate never makes it back!

如何在选择的每个日期重新加载新账单的日期选择器。编辑 - 信用@stephen

$("StartDate").change(function() {
       var dateVal = $("StartDate").val()
           url: "/home/UpdateDateFilters",
           type: "get" // or POST?
           data:  dateVal  //$this.val()
       }).done(function(data) {
           // not working, how do I remove old and attach new?
       }).fail(function() {


// this class creates an Invoice based on the selected range of dates.
public class BillsModel
    public int Id { get; set; }
    [Required] // Date for the bills on that date
    public DateTime Date { get; set; } 
    [Required] // From StartDate
    public DateTime SelectedStartDate { get; set; } 

    [Required] // To EndDate, if this is not set, only bills for that date
    public DateTime? SelectedEndDate { get; set; } 
    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Review is required")]
    public string ReviewNotes { get; set; }
    public int ClientInvoiceId { get; set; }
    //Table with list of records Bills
    public virtual List<Bill> Bills { get; set; }
    public decimal? TotalCost { get; set; }
public class Bill
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public DateTime BillDate { get; set; } // Date of bill  
    public string InvoiceItem { get; set; }
    public decimal? Cost { get; set; }    


   $("#StartDate").change(function () {
                var dateVal = $("#StartDate").val();
                    url: "/home/UpdateDateFilters",
                    type: "get" ,
                    data:  {dateStart : dateVal,dateEnd:null}  
            }).done(function(data) {
            }).fail(function() {


public ActionResult UpdateDateFilters(DateTime dateStart, DateTime? dateEnd)

您无法将日期设置为null,因此我们使用nullable ?将默认值设置为null
