
我试图使用 vlc 录制直播。我想,问题是我的应用程序无法检测到已安装的 vlc。我使用

pip install python-vlc


[00212d24] main libvlc error: No modules were found, refusing to start. Check that you properly gave a module path with --plugin-path.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "asdads.py", line 25, in <module>
    grabar_audio(radio, datos)
  File "asdads.py", line 13, in grabar_audio
    player = instancia.media_player_new()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'media_player_new'
import sys
import vlc
from time import sleep
def grabar_audio(stream, parametros):
    radio = stream
    datos = parametros
    instancia = vlc.Instance()
    player = instancia.media_player_new()
    media = instancia.media_new(radio, datos)


python-VLC是Python与VLC程序(或包装库(的绑定。这是一种通过python运行vlc程序的方法(python -> binding -> vlc(。因此,您需要执行以下步骤:

1)  copy vlc.py to where you run your application
2)  download vlc program and install it in your machine
3)  restart your machine and run notebook again
